Revert the seed nerf NOW

My bags are full of Invincible’s Reins, just can’t see it to learn it


I should be able to play the game how I want. I should be able to play the game other players have been able to. Making it harder to achieve something after hundreds or thousands of players have already accomplished something does not respect my time nor is it fair play for all.


I have gotten two today that I contributed and got nothing. Maybe bugs, no chest showed up for me.

It will never not be hilarious watching “adults” cry about video games not respecting their responsibilities LOL

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I didn’t see anything worth complaining about either- no recipes and just gear and gear items which I guess for the people who care about that may be a big deal but they have other avenues to get that quality gear.

Now if they had left the rep back in for flying then maybe an issue for some.


Blizzard, this is critical!

If I combine the following:

Human and Rank 3 Dream Warden’s Contract, I get approximately 16.5 reputation for each WQ as a bonus for free in addition to the basic Human bonus on reputation gains…

So, let’s take a Zaralek Caverns WQ:

  • 100 reputation quest, 75 bonus reputation
  • Normal people, get 175 reputation (+0)
  • R3 Contract Holders, get 190 reputation (+15)
  • Humans, get 192.5 reputation (+17.5)
  • Humans with R3 Contracts, get 209 reputation (+34)

That’s not an insignificant increase of almost 20% on a basic WQ which provides reputation as a bonus…

Let’s look at a basic WQ without a bonus:

  • Normal people, get 100 reputation (+0)
  • R3 Contracts, get 115 reputation (+15)
  • Humans, get 110 reputation (+10)
  • Humans with R3 Contracts, get 126.5 reputation (+26.5)

That’s a pretty significant bonus in the grand scheme of things… Especially when WQs are finite, and can run out rather quickly…

And what does a reputation boost actually accomplish in the grand scheme of gameplay besides reputation itself?

Please tell me you get upset at Night Elves for a faster respawn after death.

I mean if you don’t want to grind reknown you definitely don’t have to. There isn’t much to do first week out (there never is) and I wanted to try to get as much rep as possible. Now im stuck at a very awkward 1100/2500 Rep 9 twiddling my thumbs. Knowing now that had I logged in a couple hours earlier, I could of gotten that 1400 rep in 64 seeds compared to 4x that really sucks. They really should of expected this to be a massively farmed commidity with so little content to do first week. There were SEVERAL youtube guides explaining how this worked on the PTR with the only caveat being that it was bugged it you go to 100 dew insertion. Now I dont expect any TEARS shed for me or anyone in my position. I just find it kinda pathetic that they had 0 foresight into stuff like this and think Hotfixing it after so many people already got their desired reknown is a good solution, while half of us are left holding the bag. They did it with Dirt piles, they’ve done it with so much crap that it literally Stinks of preplanned subliminal messaging to get people to buy the early access for next Xpac. What is the point of hotfixing something like this in all honesty? who cares if people get 20 reknown first week. It doesn’t give them any advantage. Aside from some mounts and an infinite augment rune that Lets be honest the only real advantage of that is the .1% of players doing RWF and they have enough bankroll they don’t even need it. Now i have this awkward feeling of sunk cost and a sour taste left in my mouth because I grinded almost enough to get the Word of a worthy Ally but I’m now almost forced to take 4x as long to finish doing that. Bah i tells ya. BAH

/e Maybe more than 4x as long since 10% DMF buff on 5 is only .5 and i don’t even think that get’s added on -_-

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Just can’t see myself doing these seeds. Getting 5 rep no matter how much I contribute sucks. So now I have a currency in my bags for planting things that is just not worth the effort.


Im gonna make a post describing what an mmo is and how time consuming it is, since you guys treating it like a quick single player game lol

If they replaced human rep id honestly be very upset.

I dont even play human anymore, but thats been a thing since classic. If they did remove it humans better get an OP as F racial in return.

I just have one question. Can u still get mounts after the 5 plants weekly? :potted_plant: I just want the dreamtalon or saber mount. :cloud_with_rain:

I hope they nerf the rep gains even more.

5 plants weekly? It is not 5 daily?

Please say you are kidding.

I used 5 seeds on day one, and one more on day two. The five on day one were all maxed out, and so I got zero rep from them. Now they put in the 250/500 rep per seed, but my five are all used up for the week, so I am screwed. They literally decided there was a problem, and then punished other players to “fix” it. The people that were grinding 50+ seeds get to keep all the rep they earned, but I get to lose at least 1250 rep week one because reasons. Please send me the rep I earned.

hah, I wish I could like 2 times

I mean, this is another reason I feel class restrictions are good for the game … I’d loathe to see how many MORE boring humans would be played in the game, if they could play those classes too. lol

Yes 100% agree, thanks for punishing the players who need to work ( and pay for subscriptions and buy tokens more often). Also talked about exploring different game plays, those say into speed runs to reknown 10 now can’t as the times earlier are way less than anything achievable. There goes that group of players.
At least should have left it in place till reset then introduced change, sneaky updates before the weekend, fell like “Oh no, we are going to lose money cause ppl won’t have to spend endless hours grinding”

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At this point I think it is intentional to create high play numbers at launch. Every patch some exploit like this comes up. Last time it was the barter bricks. Same exact thing, a small subset of players exploited the hell out of it and got to keep all the rewards and benefits.

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Says the human with pointy ears