Revert the seed nerf NOW

There I was, sitting at Blizzcon where they got on stage and said one of the pillars of their game philosophy is ‘respect the players time’.

You know what doesn’t respect our time? Nerfing these rep farms after the game goes live and people are able to max it out. The servers came up extremely late last night for the east coast. People who have responsibilities to leave their house during the work day went to bed a short time after the servers came back up, got up today and took care of those responsibilities only to come home, eat dinner, log on and see that the reputation farm that people have been using for the last 20 hours has been nerfed into oblivion, and nerfed only after we have players who are already 18+ renown. This does not respect our time. If you didn’t intend people to farm the reputation this quickly, why didn’t you adjust it during the PTR cycle? If you didn’t intend people to farm the reputation this quickly, why aren’t you rolling back those who already achieved it in the spirit of fair play for the rest of us? If you let those people keep their rep, why aren’t you letting the ‘unintended’ amount of reputation to remain as is to respect those of us who haven’t been able to play the computer all day and take the lessons learned and apply them to the next farmable reputation system that you put into the game.
At a minimum wait to adjust it until next reset to give those who weren’t able to grind to 20 renown in the last 20 hours a fair shot at getting it done over the course of the next week while there is nothing else to do in the game (progression wise).

Part two to this whole thing is I’m very tired of the predatory nature regarding faction/race change sales coinciding with rep grinds. Remove the bonus reputation racial that humans get and give them something else. Demon hunters, dracthyr, druids, and shamans all feel awful to main during these rep grinds because they can not take advantage of this.


20 years later and this is a hot take.


In my opinion, it was a pretty harmless “bug”. What confused me the most is that they hotfixed it once, buffing the rep, and then they decided to nerf it into the ground with yet another hotfix. Talk about whiplash.


What doesn’t respect the players time is not seeing the Tusks of Mannoroth drop after 7 years of farming.


So you didn’t get in on the exploit when it was live.

  • Reputation is no longer is guaranteed unless you contribute a seed (was always guaranteed).
    how is this a nerf unless you just fly there and do nothing

There was an exploit? what exploit?

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You seem upset.


I didn’t really care either way, but I must have missed a detail or two. Okay yeah, that makes sense. Contribution as a requirement isn’t unreasonable. It takes like, 10 seconds to snag at least 5 drops.

rEsPeCt mY tImE BliZzArd!

does your time cure cancer


There was an exploit?

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Because getting to a seedling and contributing 5 dewdrops to reap the benefits is much easier than getting to the mound first to use a seed.

So yes, people have to do things now :joy:
You know that’s asking too much.


So hang on. They buffed the rep and nerfed getting it?

They fixed one problem (the epic bag never awarding rep), buffed the rep from all the bags, including a chance for the rep buff to “bloom” for extra rep. And then made it so players have to do more than contribute a few dewdrops to guarantee their rep gain.

Not exactly a vicious cycle of buff/nerf.

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Remember daily quest hubs?

yes you need to be the seed donor now for the rep and dont laugh at what i said lol


In a sense, yeah, but not really. I was misunderstanding it myself. The rep was increased, but they hotfixed it again after that to require participation in seed growing. The effort required for that is negligible at best, so…


You don’t get guaranteed rep even if you contribute dew or seeds

I just want to say that I main a Shaman and it doesn’t feel awful to main just because I can’t be the first one to max out rep (and then probably complain that there’s no content for the next few months because I raced to do all the content in the first few days of the patch)

  • Reputation is no longer is guaranteed unless you contribute a seed (was always guaranteed)