Revert the seed nerf NOW

Elves are cool! :yum:
However I got this character because of the lore & wanted to see what’d be like channelling the Sunwell … Then got attached & well, here we are – Max level. :person_shrugging:

My paladin is a Zandalari, and their lore USE TO be cool with the pally order – Tapping into their powers via a literal T-Rex god, but then they killed him and then atop of that outright erased him through the Shadowlands. Now they just got Mary Sue shmuck lore merely believing in the ideals like many other average pally tropes do, or a humanoid figurehead (Vol’Jin) like many other faiths do. :unamused:

Or even worse, when you finally get an item that took years to farm such as oh… the Sha mount, then and only then, they nerf the drop rates so hard that they hand them out like candy. Now that’s nullifying players effort and time.