Revert the seed nerf NOW

Unless they exploited getting to 10 on their alt, then it is actually working as intended.

  1. Get to 10, unlock Word of Worthy Ally on account that grants all other characters +100% rep buff to renown 10.
  2. Get on your main and do all the stuff your alt did, gaining effectively 200% renown for those first 10 levels.
  3. Then use the DMF buff when you’re turning in all the tokens you didn’t need to use because the Worthy Ally buff covered you, and you end up close to or beyond 18.

Where’s the exploit other than doing a seed farm that devs intentionally made better in their attempts to fix it, and players reaping the benefits while the devs fumbled.

Why was it nerfed if it was working as intended then? :man_shrugging:

Only if we can delete orcs at the same time.

I’m sorry brother :frowning:

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brutal nerf, 5 rep per seed is just brutal, i would expect it to still be 20-40 with the need of contributing a seed too, but its a double nerf, it was nerfed from 20 → 5 rep and you have to spend a seed, to get 5 rep!

Hasn’t stopped you yet

I didn’t say it was, try reading.

Do you just expect players to evaluate everything in the game as “oh this is probably broken so I’m going to stop playing or I’ll get banned”?

But you want them to be punished anyways :dracthyr_shrug:

What sort of accountability do you want?
Give me an actual example of what measures you think blizzard should take on whoever flubbed this up that you think is going to improve the situation.

:sob:You don’t think it’s fair :sob:
Well it’s not, but sometimes it just be like that. :dracthyr_shrug:

Roll back the renoun

“Try reading”

Actual troll. But I’ll wait for you to have the last word in our little “debate”. You’re just as scummy as them. Keep taking advantage if f things cause “you can”

How’s that accountability for blizzard?

…Who cares about the renown? You get a permanent augment rune and some gear you’ll replace next week, big whoop.


Right? The dude is throwing a fit over something that doesn’t matter and when people point it out they are the troll. :roll_eyes:

With literally the name “tears”

This is NOT how the Emerald Dream zone was supposed to feel like. HUGE miss by Blizzard on almost every level.

Which nerf are you talking about? I’m lost at this point. The original post asking for revert the seed fix is no longer valid as they later hotfixed it again around 7p PST and posted on the forums to explain why they had changed it multipe times.

So which nerf are you referring to now?

I’ll get them one day. Maybe next expac when I’ll be able to farm him 100 times a week.


The new seed policy is just crap. I really am starting to suspect that these “accidental” bugs that happen are always allowed to go on long enough for streamers/mythic prog teams to get ahead and then everyone else gets stuffed in the back of the bus, gg blizz.


Human racial has only ever put your rep a day ahead at most. It’s really not that big of a deal.

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Sadly, I had been out of work for health reasons for a few years when I was playing SW:ToR. I found a game bug, duplicated it to make sure and reported it to BioWare. I received a 3-day suspension, and they took the 660 million I had farmed from daily’s, quests and vendor loot I had been making for the previous 5 years of game play. I quit that game the second my suspension was over, because my appeal for them taking all of my money was excessive.

I’m curious how many people understand what was going on.

Before, you’d get 20 renown per seed (125 seeds per one (1) renown level) which would take a cumulative 6 hours and 15 minutes worth of waiting for seeds to grow (reduced based upon how well you could have multiple plants growing on rotation) though if the seed was pushed to 100 for the epic bag by anyone (the plants were public, had zero control over it), you’d get zero renown. Having another character at 10 Renown/Human/DMF could boost it but adds to the tedium to maximize.

Versus now, getting 250 for a seed but be capped on how many you can farm. So effectively being given 50 seeds worth of waiting (2 and half hours if not rotating) for 4 (12 minutes even if not rotating) means the amount of time messing with the seed stuff is massively reduced with no chance of sabotage though MAXIMUM RENOWN is slowed it actually takes less time spent to acquire.

If the argument is “But people farmed up really high renown already” then… Good for them? Would the people complaining about it truly want to run in circles for hours on end like they did? Would those people really want to grind up renown on alt before doing so on their main to get the use of the account-wide Renown 10 boost? Usually that comes down to people who really, really wanted to maximize their renown early went to excessive lengths to do so. Those types spent more time doing so and as a result, that grind got cut back a bit so players who don’t want to mindlessly farm for hours can get more renown per time spent.

If the argument comes down to, “I wanted to grind forever, why was it slowed down?” Was probably because grinding forever isn’t necessarily the ideal and people who do value their time shouldn’t really be compelled to farm renown for hours for a pittance.

it was hot fixed today

If he’s truly invincible you wouldn’t be able to see him even if he dropped.


if you didn’t get it, time to fork over the extra gold for first week of raid tier and buy the consumable ones