Returning Rogue looking for a home

Hello y’all, I’m a returning player coming back for TWW. I am looking for a new home. Looking for a friendly guild where we all help each other reach our goals. I having been playing off and on since vanilla. I have a full time job and a family but I try to be active as possible. I would like a guild who runs keys together. I am not a great player by any means but I pull KSM when I play the entire season. I like to help people as much as my ability allows to reach their goals in game. I play on Illidan (CST) if that matters. I don’t start drama and just want to have fun in my limited time in-game. I have had AOTC experience but my schedule would probably not allow for raiding. I like to make jokes in dischord and guild chat but never at anyone’s expense. If you fine guild leaders could would give me a chance, I would really appreciate it. Thanks you for your consideration.

Btw, I’m level 70 ready to get going next week!

Hi Ninetimes!

I will post our guild’s info below, but please add me on Discord and we can chat further! I’ll shoot you an invite to our Discord server and you can get a good feel for our environment. :smiley:

[H/A] Thrall - <Key Me> M+ Key Guild looking for people to smash keys

As of July 23, 2024, you may join guilds on any server with any faction.

Key Me is a M+ key guild and welcomes players of all skill levels. Our members run keys at every level. All officers and many veterans are happy to help new key-pushers learn their class/spec and dungeon mechanics, as well as group up with high io players to push keys as high as possible. Many of our members achieve 3k+ each season, while others run keys with their guildmates and make new friends in pick up groups.

We have three weekly M+ guild events and our guild chat is frequently filled with members linking their keys for guildies to run. Additionally, we will have one weekly AOTC raid night in TWW for anyone interested.

We are extremely active both in-game and in Discord, so we are a great fit for people who want a social guild, as well. :slight_smile:

Please message Throkka (Discord: Kejhix) or Curate (Discord: Lomilas) if this sounds like the environment you’re looking for!

Hey Ninetimes, welcome back to the game!

I wanted to offer up the The Strays on Wyrmrest Accord as a possibility of a home for you. We’re a pretty small group of friends that just came back from taking a break over summer. We’re experienced in running M+ and raids, and hope to do so again once TWW drops. Most nights you can find us chatting away in Discord while we level/quest, and our goal through TWW and with the guild is to create an inclusive community of just good people willing to help/enjoy the game together. We’re all busy adults, with careers and families, so we never want anyone to feel as though they’re obligated.

If this sounds like something you may be your cup of tea, please feel free to message me in game horde side, on Discord at oftquoted, or on b-net at Scytheus#1981.

Thanks, and happy hunting!

Hey Ninetimes, I am the GM of Grand Theft Dragon and I think you would be a great fit for us so take a look at the info below and then shoot me a message if you have any questions or interest in joining! I hope to hear from you and welcome you to the community!

Who we are

Grand Theft Dragon is an AOTC focused guild that works on building a group of players who prioritize the fun of the game while participating in its many facets, such as raiding, pvp, achievement hunting, transmogging, and leveling. We strive to create an inclusive and supportive community that includes all kinds of people regardless of religion, sexuality, culture, race, etc. In Dragonflight we have achieved AOTC for all Raids within the first 200 guilds on our server and look to do the same or better in the War Within! We will start with normal for a week to two and then make our push into heroic raid! Our core raid team (once set) will push the content and then as other players become geared and skilled we will rotate them in so everyone has a chance to see and experience the content! When it comes to Arenas and RBGs we have RBG teams and have scheduled Arena/RBG nights with challenges for the teams that participate that evening that reward gold and rare items (tmog/pets/etc). We also have weekly or TMog/Achievement runs of older content! We really do try to have something for everyone to enjoy the game and a guild in a new expansion is a great time to try some new to you content!

What we are looking for

We are looking for like minded people who want to have a good time in game while bringing fun and camaraderie to discord while also being provided an opportunity to help shape the future of the guild and our goal setting as we push into the new Expansion!

Raid Times

Tuesday Thursdays at 6pm server, group will form about 30 minutes prior! Raid will run for 3 hours with option to go longer up to the group!

What we expect

Be Kind! Participate in the community, & try to have fun while working on your goals and those of the guild!

More Info

We do frequently participate in other content, old raids, mount farms, achievement hunting, pvp, etc. So in War Within when we aren’t all busy leveling or raiding there will still be plenty going on to participate in!

How to Apply

If you are interested in joining or just seeing how you’d fit in message me here, in game, on discord (GoForHunter#1770) on bnet (GoForHunter#1712) or apply through the guild finder!

Hey Ninetimes,

We are a small drama free guild/raid group of experienced players looking for a few more dps to join us. We mostly raid, but there are a good handful of us that do M+, mount/tmog runs as well.

We do raid Sat/Sun from 6 pm to 8:30 pm (PST). We do ask that people have previous AOTC experience. I know you said you may not have time, but just encase!

Feel free to add me on discord (Username: Lewpha) if you think we may be a good fit for you.

Hello Ninetimes!

High Latency is looking for all types of players including those more casual who don’t want to commit to a set raid schedule and just want to run keys with guildies. We are also pretty active in discord most nights. If you are interested check my post out about our guild here: Raid: T/Th 8:30-10:30pm EST + PvP (rbgs): Wed 8-11pm EST

Also feel free to message me in game! Yakella-Trollbane or on Discord : Yakusa#6430

Hey Ninetimes! We’re very new and returning player friendly, and would love to have a rogue join us, provided you are ok with our later playtimes.

Venomfang Cultists is a smaller, cross faction/cross realm guild on Emerald Dream, looking for more late night players for M+ and casual raiding. We are a mature, friendly guild, happy to help new or returning players with leveling and gearing up, and getting in M+ groups ASAP. Groups typically start forming 10 PM pacific, Midnight server time. All classes, specs, and skill levels are welcome. We will get KSM each season, but M+ is kept fun. Raiding even more so, with most members content to see the Raids…We are not an AOTC focused guild by any means. If you are a late night player looking for regular M+ groups, or just some folks to hang out with during late night play sessions, please consider joining us. You can message Willowthorn#1522 on Battle.Net, Shadethistle on Discord, or look for us in the in-game guild finder.