<High Latency> Raid: T/Th 8:30-10:30pm EST + PvP (rbgs): Wed 8-11pm EST

War Within is coming soon and High Latency of Trollbane is looking to recruit!

Are you looking for a chill laid back guild to run M+, get AoTC, and run rbgs? Check us out! We raid Tuesday & Thursday nights from 8:30-10:30pm EST, rbgs Wed 8-11pm EST. We don’t have a scheduled M+ night however we have groups running keys constantly throughout the week and at various times of the day (we have early birds, night owls and everything in between!)

Our guild accepts all types of players (Horde and Alliance) whether you want to push PvE content, PvP rated battlegrounds scheduled events or just hang out and run content in a casual manner in our chill pick up groups, + keys and our Friday alt night raid (where friends/family are always welcome). We are also looking to fill out a Mythic raid group if we have enough dedicated raiders.

Whatever playstyle you decide we would love to have you join our guild ranks!

If you are interested in joining our guild or want to ask about additional information feel free to comment below or whisper one of our officers in-game: Yakella-Trollbane, Zanderblack-Trollbane, Seraz-Trollbane, Anjo-Trollbane, and Ophemia-Malfurion.

Discord Contact Info: Yakusa6430

Happy Adventuring!

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join us for the best raid experience!

We also enjoy casual players who just want to hang out with us!

Plus our schedules are flexible, there is no attendance requirements, so if you have an odd work schedule or family/life obligations we totally understand!

We are a bunch of goofy goobers who really do enjoy playing the game together, join us for the War Within! Good times will be had :smile:

We are still looking for more dps to join our guild for our raid team and rbgs! :slight_smile:

Hello! I’m interested but having trouble finding you on discord. I’m @kaitlyn232 if you want to message me there!

I sent you an invite on Discord! The name is Yakusa :slight_smile:

hello, I’m Izandi’s friend and am also interested in joining! my discord is @azure9815

We got ya Madiko, glad to have you :slight_smile: ! So far our raid and rbg group is looking pretty solid! We are still looking for a few more dps to round out the roster then we are good to go for the War Within!

I am also interested in joining but everytime I log on I can’t contact anyone. Sent you a discord and battle.net friend request.

Are you still looking for a place to call home for the War Within? Check us out! :video_game: :tada:

8 days till the War Within releases! If you are looking for a quirky guild to do shenanigans with we are the ones for you! We raid, pvp, M+ together! You choose how you want to play! Join our guild ranks today!

We are still recruiting! If you are interested in joining feel free to contact me! :slightly_smiling_face:

Still looking for more like minded players to join the guild!

Only a few more days until the War Within arrives! If you are looking for a guild check us out!

Join us for the War Within!

Hellom, interested in joining with the hope of raiding. Added Yakusa6430 on discord.