Returning Players Can't Get Legendaries

he sells you a legendary catch up book, you refusing to do korthia is now your problem not blizzards

Obviously playing catch-up is a beast… it is what it is…

I started early BC, and spent most of that expansion just getting toons to 70… there was no catch-up… just 4 slot bags and a handful of copper coins… it was uphill to school, both ways. The road to Wrath went thru Vanilla and Outlands…

These days, you can start in Shadowlands… sorry, you still gotta be on time.

which gives you one of the possibly legendaries for your class… not spec. at a cost of 2000 currency.

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per wowheads BiS legendary for a covenant for feral druids

its from the great vault, doing 3 LFR bosses can easily get you this legendary tomorrow if she does 3 LFR bosses right now

if you can’t even do 3 LFR bosses then i’d be concerned

the next one is night faes legendary, and OP isn’t night fae so thats not blizzards problem now for that one imo

3rd is from Torghast which can easily be done

No one has a reason to run that anymore since we got a new raid. A very few have leggos in there, that’s it. Thus creating no demand for tanks/healers.

it’s not. it’s a seriously bad design decision.


I typically just do my Korthia stuff while waiting. And its best to go Tuesday. Not the night before a reset. Both the quantity and quality goes down the longer you wait.

But other than neglected alts, who is coming back for 9.2 that skipped out on the last year of the content?

wtf are you on about

That’s your opinion. Mythic raiders I knew said there was no way they would disqualify someone from being considered as a recruit because they didn’t have 2 bis legendaries.

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And you can gather all of the other legendaries not tied to castle nathria before gambling to increase the chances or basically guarantee that what you get is the one from nathria

What are you even doing ?

Get the other ones first, once you have them, then use the memories.

Or just queue Healer/Tank for Nathria or do a Normal mode run for Transmog.

I don’t give a damn what they think. The comparison is that random chance legos are somehow better than targetable drops. You would have to be insane to believe that’s true.

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You’re giving out bad information that’s extremely incorrect.

  1. There are TWO ways toRNG roll it: offerings and Korthia research.
  2. It does NOT take 40 days anymore to unlock the offerings one, as that changed in 9.1.5.

It’s absolutely NOT worse than the Legion lottery. Not even close.

Blizzard just didn’t think ahead with CN memories. Should have just slapped them in SoD, it’s not as if it bloats the loot table.


This is the worst part of having so many systems, no matter how many band aid fixes Blizzard puts(like the Korthia vendor). When you level up a new toon you not only have to farm gear, you have 4 other systems that you already farmed on your main or other toons.

Even with catch up mechanics is just busy work that doesn’t add anything to the game, but being a time waster that you need to do so you are not trash at the content you actually want to do(pvp, m+ or raids(.

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This is good to note, though that still only gets you down to 10 days.

While 10 days is better than 40 days to start rolling the dice, its still not really what you want to tell you friend / alt / returning player.

So really, the options are:

  • Pray you have an active enough community for LFR / a healer friend to queue you into the abyss
  • 10 days of anima channeling followed by grinding offerings and playing roulette
  • Get yourself up to ~215-20 ilvl to get rift farm groups and gamble

I think it’s important to remember that this is just the memory aspect. So if you are trying to get your alt or friend into the game, this is what they are going through before they start their Torghast farm for cinders.

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But they gave us two ways to RNG them. Which you can do at the same time.

Yes. And then you have the Korthia option, as well. So go run Korthia while staying in queue for CN and do your Callings.

That’s three ways to work on getting them. And while these legendaries do suck, there are three ways to get them.

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That’s not really thinking ahead, especially when both those systems had to be massively buffed because of it.

I’ll reiterate:

I was one of the many who collected them during Legion, who did what it took to get as many as possible. Everybody didn’t hate them. You are projecting. There is no perfect legendary distribution system. All have major drawbacks.

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