Returning Players Can't Get Legendaries

Just a reminder, if you are coming back to WoW in 9.1.5 or 9.2, and your BiS legendary is from Castle Nathria, you might as well stay gone.

Because despite a 100% drop rate in LFR, the LFR queue is infinite, no one is running the old raid, and in order to “roll the dice” using a memory tome you need to spend 40 days in game every day locking down 4 streams on a Rank 2 anima conductor before you can “gamble” 35 offerings for a single shot at the memory you need.

I’m sure this is an oversight but GG. It’s like they didn’t want anyone to come back.


I don’t know about all that. All my LFR que times are under an hour right now for each wing lol. Not really that bad


You can also buy legendaries from korthia if that helps.


“No effective catch up” is one of the “RPG elements from the roots of wow” they were bragging about at the same time they were trying to convince players that being locked into a covenant for the entire expansion would feel incredibly rewarding.

They don’t want players to buy the expansion late and then come back able to catch up and start playing the game, which, because of pathfinder and other early expansion annoyances, was something a lot of people were doing.

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Wow. This game sounds terrible. Remember when you just did the raid and got the loot without 23 systems supplementing your power?


are the queue that bad , or people are stupid and dont tag tank/heal ?

Rng, right?

The vendor in covenant is like that iirc. RNG hates you you get lego’s 10/10 guides say is crap. So do 100/100 sims lol.

No one runs that LFR anymore.

i will try tomorrow , tagging tank peak hours 18-22h in EU

Thanks, this is probably the most practical option, but its still essentially [get ilvl high enough to do rift farms > farm for a few hours > roll a few dice and pray]. But I guess thats better than grateful offerings + 40 days of anima conductor chores.

really? i waited 15 minutes for the wing that got my WW’s legendary. it was painless.


Or just settle for a lesser legendary and go horde to queue up lol [since alliance is dead supposedly]. Granted there are too many systems upon systems AGAIN in some ways so Ion ‘‘grats!, you repeated the same mistake’’ .

This team seems to LOVE sysssssssstems and currency


I think they have fixed the anima conductor so that now you can channel to every available location every day

ok? You get like 12 already from the 4 streams and then 4 or 5 for each calling. Thats 2 - 3 days to get one memory. How is that 40 days?

the memories book is 2k research. thats easy to get in korthia.


worst legendary system they’ve ever had. even worse than legion lottery imo - and i hope this isn’t the new standard going forward.

I really cant understand WHY the legendary memories werent made available in SoD. Neither of the “catch up” options are quick enough, the Korthia thing requires a reasonable amount of grinding and the other option is ridicously long, and only for a random legendary. Why do you want people to run a dead raid?

I have only been gone three months and reading the OP’s opening post was like trying to read ancient Greek.

It made no sense.

Staying away.

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I remember when my friend started playing the game back in WOTLK and I powerleveled his warlock with one of my alts, ran him through Naxx and Ulduar on our farm raids after getting him to max level, and got him some crafted stuff. He was good to go for Crusader Raid after about 3 weeks of downloading the game and played for about 4 or 5 years.

This wouldn’t be possible now, and Systemlands would have driven him away.

Back then It was just “hey, so play around with the talents and when you get to max level we’ll find a spec you like. We’ll get you some gear too so don’t worry about that much.”

Imagine explaining this to a new player:
(Anima - Covenants - Grateful Offerings - Legendaries - Covenant Abilities - Runecarver Memories - Torghast - Soulbind - Conduits - Covenant Secondary Abilities - Currency - Other Currency - Other Other Currency - Other Other Other Currency - Valor… etc etc…)

It’s not a good setup.


You still can do the raid and get the drops. Queue might be long but that’s life. Put together a premade group if you want to get started faster.