Returning Players Can't Get Legendaries

the book requires you have four permanent streams on your conductor, and it takes 10 uses to establish a permanent stream. it’s not just “35 offerings per roll”.

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You can definitely be ready for normal raid tier in 3 weeks now.

Likely much faster, especially if you have friends to help you get gear.

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That is patently false. Try not having your BiS lego until the 3rd raid tier because you were unlucky. Hey sorry your dps is going to suck all expac.

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This is untrue. Last week I ran a fresh alt through a Castle Nathria wing for a legendary. Que took under 30 minutes.


Yes, but what I was getting at is that he was good to go, competent, and didn’t have to wallow through at least a dozen different useless systems that don’t really add anything and just make everything more confusing.

What I am trying to express is that as the game becomes more and more confusing with extra systems, it becomes less and less welcoming to new players.


Oh I’m glad your queue is the same as everyone else’s, just like your experiences.


why would everyone else’s dps queue be longer than my own? I don’t have an express pass or something.

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But you also have 70-100k of conduit upgrades and sockets you’ll want to buy if you’re seriously leveling a toon.

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i got the 226 ones and never looked back. You get the 200 ones right off the bat now so that helps but if they’re not mythic raiding you don’t need to super min max. /shrug

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Incorrect, you can channel to all spots that are available every day since 9.1.5 not just 1 spot.

Catch mechanics they messed up imho:

  1. Leggo catch up requires daily covenant callings and takes a couple weeks if you farm offerings to fill in the blanks, after you do the dungeons and raids you can easily queue for.
  2. Zero catch up for domination gear, gems, or ability to level said gems. At least a month, even with the increase in drop rates to start filling out your gems in any respectable fashion.
  3. Korthia rep farm requires out of game guides, although it’s silly fast now if you read up on it.
  4. No catch up for vault, so you have to farm dungeons and VP for literally hours to level up gear. Strong players can break Ilvl thresholds by rating, but weaker ones won’t be able to. Vault is also a soft content nerf.
  5. New pvp characters feel terrible and you pretty much feed honor to people leveling conquest pieces for the first 1-2 weeks.

So you’re looking at 2-6 weeks depending on play style and success rate to fill out your character if you get lucky or carries.

Why I pvp alot lol. Skip some steps. When 6 mages aoe you and 2 warriors leap you on bridges in ashran…you die. its fated, gear won’t save you.

I got some chars…I haven’t done the korthia upgrade quests. Old boy is still sitting there. in his illusionary rock bubble. Waiting for me to save his archivist. and…he wiil keep on waiting too.

I can make a dude wait. I have had Mercey fey sit out side that draugr den for weeks in skyrim. Nightingale gear unmodded has level locks. So I go here level 40+. if that takes weeks, he waits weeks lol.

I just bang my head into walls for points for full basic pvp gear at minumum.

It was after I did that upgrade bit 8 times I said was wondering why didn’t they put this in the korthia skip as well.

It’s fairly universal… show up late, they don’t start the movie over…

Momma said dinner is at 5, don’t be surprised you’re at the table by yourself at 6…

So many things about this game got revised to make room for newbs, the late comers… blame it on the casuals or the elites, truth is it was wrecked for the newbs. You’re late, catch-up is a blessing, not a civil right.

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True… but 4 spots still have to be reinforced before you can purchase them at 35 memories. Also if anyone else has the RNG luck that I have, your BiS will be the last one you get.

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its fine as long as you have 40 mins to queue and another 40-60 mins to do the content.

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Took me 20 minutes yesterday to get in and out of the LFR wing with my Leggo Memory.

Not to mention there are items in your Covenent and other places to fill in the few Memories you can’t get.

Sounds like crying wolf too me.


Or collect and farm research from korthia 2k a leggo roll.

How I went through 10 to get pulsar on my moonkin for NF play


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not Blizzards fault when they give you the tools you need to get your bis legendary

rule out other legendaries by getting them first before you open books

Memories shouldn’t be the problem considering the fact you can unlock the anima conductor on all 4 covenants and channel through them all at the same time to gather grateful offerings a hell of a lot faster than pre 9.1.5, so by the time you have enough places unlocked to buy memories you’ll have plenty of offerings