Returning Players Can't Get Legendaries

My point is that it’s not really about the gear anymore. Gear is just one piece of the power puzzle. All these secondary and tertiary systems make the game more cluttered and less satisfying.

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You can still get em. Just gotta sit in an hour long que. Yes it’s very stupid.

If the players have to work around the games shortcomings, those shortcomings exist. Ultimately, this is a design problem of using throwaway content. Addressing this would improve the game, even if only through the current borrowed power block.

Not even close. This is probably the easiest it’s been to obtain a legendary. Do you remember 7.0 where you had to grind endlessly for a random leggo drop? That was the worst.

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Why not just make a normal mode group and smash through it?

Or just do like I did and pay some random person 10k to queue up with me for LFR. We both queue’d as tanks and it forced the system to create a group for us. We had to wait like 20 minutes for the game to find us healers, but it popped after not too long and I got the pattern I needed.

The archivist vendor in korthia offers roll tokens for legendary powers for this reason. In fact it’s insanely easy now to get the cuurrency for it with rift farming. No need for the tedious conductor grind, and you can infinitely farm research at your own pace and will.

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If I’m “coming back”, it’s not for no stupid legendary that means absolutely nothing, at the end of the day.

i don’t think renting legendary out for upwards of 200-300k gold per patch cycle is good in any way no. At least those legendaries of past were relevant for the duration of an expansion. people have had to buy the same legendary power 3 times this expansion by the next patch - feels worse than re-farming the same mythic+ dungeon loot over and over

played since the beginning and imo this is the worst iteration of legendary end game i’ve seen so far. def doesn’t respect the average player, or have them in mind. unless they’re wow token people :slight_smile:

I must be on a cheap server, because I have 4 ilvl 262 legendaries, and they cost me about 200k combined. You make a boatload of gold in SL, and now Cinders are easy to grind. In Legion, it took a month to receive my first legendary, and it happened to be a crappy useless one.


for me - even if it’s 80k gold, it’s not worth to spend that much gold 3 times for +15 mastery/haste and a little more stamina every patch.

that’s just me though…def not defending the legendary lottery system, but it felt good when you at least got your item. :revolving_hearts:

legendary items should feel more impactful to your player power than an epic item imo. these legendaries are weak.

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There has only been 1 major patch since release. I’d understand if it was something you had to do each month or two, but there’s barely been anything to do for ages.

I do agree that the legendaries are fairly underwhelming. My best legendary is increase pet crit damage during Bestial Wrath… whatever.

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It gets less and less welcoming to older players as well. I am no longer looking forward to new expansions, as it always means your hard-earned gear becomes useless, you will be expected to learn three new complex systems…and each major patch does it again. This isn’t fun, it’s another job.

There will of course be those that reply to this with “don’t like it, quit”…but there is still enough fun activity interjected within the game to make me want to stay, and I do still like to hang out with my friends to RP, and do legacy content.

Sure extra systems can be annoying, but I’d much rather be able to get a legendary when it’s current than the years of soloing old content it took me to get Valinyr and TF.

I know a lot of people who only play the last patch. They do this because the expansion is in beta til then.

Assuming you posted this thread after the fact that you couldn’t get in CN… well what were you expecting on a late monday? Anyone that would somehow still require CN already did it days ago.

Also try to get into a normal, I’d wager there’s still some being created.

And if all else fails… the ultimate way might be to make an horde character of the same class. Afaik, legendary powers unlocks are accountwide.

I mean, I leveled a Death knight and got the legendary I needed out of castle lfr. Think there was an hour queue… Not bas considering where we’re at in the tier.