Returning Player LFG

Former mythic raider and M+ pusher. Guild fell apart and I joined a friend/family style guild with someone I ran M+ keys with. Fast forward a bit, her and her husband (another officer in guild) have stopped playing entirely now and guild is dead in the water even for a friend/family guild. Can’t remember the last time I’ve seen more than 2 people online at a time and it’s killed my motivation to play having to PUG everything.

Held out hope that they’d return to play again but at this point neither of them have been on in over a year and have gone silent on Discord so I’m looking to find a more casual group to play with that still has interest in doing things like normal/heroic raiding and M+ running especially as I prefer the smaller group content with a tighter knit group personally.

I mostly play my holy priest at the moment, but am open to playing almost anything. My preferred classes are priest, rogue, and death knight but I also have extensive experience (mythic raiding and M+) on all classes but shaman and druid. I’m sort of the one size fits all type of player; I like to have relevant alts for content so that if I get online and find out my main priest isn’t needed for a M+ run that night but the group needs a tank, I can hop onto my DK and tank the run for the team.

I currently have priest, death knight, and paladin at max level with a handful of character in the ~55 range that I’ll probably be finishing leveling with the XP buff currently active so I can best decide what I want to level first come Dragonflight. My work schedule is mostly consistent but not particularly great for raiding; I’m off work Monday/Wednesday one week and Saturday/Sunday the next week guaranteed, with days in between being done between ~4 PM EST and ~9 PM EST depending on if I work a double shift. This is another reason I prefer M+ content; not showing up on time for a raid is a difficult thing to replace, especially as a relevant role like tank or healer, but getting stuck at work and missing a M+ run is something easily replaced.

I’m looking for a new full time home, I didn’t play much this expansion so there’s not much to look at in terms of current experience. I raided mythic from Blackrock Foundry up until Antorus when my previous guild broke up, and consistently pushed into 20-25 range keys by the end of expansions previously with multiple different classes and have been playing the game since April 2005.

You can add me on BNet as Crono#1141 or Discord as Cronovey#3064 for any questions!

My guild Legalize Peacebloom [A] - Whisperwind, a newly formed guild whose core members have been AOTC every tier since legion. We consist of players of all types, from hardcore veterans, to returning players, to the brand new raiders checking out the scene for the first time. We sometimes dip our toes in a little mythic raiding, but our focus is AOTC and Mythic +'s. We have a strong Mythic+ community, so if that’s your thing, come check us out. We only ask that you be respectful of the people around you. We’re mostly all in our 30’s and enjoy a good laugh, but when it’s time to raid, it’s time to raid. We are a new guild looking to expand our ranks and our community. We currently have people running keys from 2s to 22s, and will be raiding Friday and Saturday 8-1030pm est come DF. If you’re interested let me know. My discord is Arriesa#9139. I look forward to chatting with you.


Hey Cronoblast!

I sent a discord request - would love to connect with you!

Hey Cronoblast, I added you in discord (my discord name is Wave) but when you get a chance read over our recruitment post ill link you below and then lets chat if it sounds interesting to you. I know your raid times might be a bit all over the place, but hey thats the nice thing about heroic raiding being flexible and since we only raid 2 nights a week youll have plenty of people to do things with the other nights when you cant make raids or even after our raids end on raid nights.

H Tues/Thurs 8-10PM raiding for DF - Thrall - World of Warcraft Forums (

Pristine is a newly formed guild, that was based off the idea of being a reroll guild. A majority of us are on during the evenings, and we’re mainly a PST guild with some smatterings in between. We’re focused on being a social guild, where you can find people to chill with, or run some content, new or old.

We’re doing fated normal raids for the slime cat for season 4, going into DF we plan to raid normal as well, and may dabble in heroic if there is enough interest.

Feel free to reach out if you feel we may be a good fit!

Hi. I think you might be a good fit for our AOTC guild, Moonwell Dancers.

Founded in February 2005, Moonwell Dancers is a casual, friendly Alliance guild on the Uldum server.

We play World of Warcraft for fun, and the guild has grown based on the idea that players can reach their shared goals in a friendly atmosphere far more effectively than in the cutthroat environment typical of so-called “raiding” guilds. We raid. We just have fun doing it. We raid Fri/Sat 5-730pm PST. We also run m+ throughout the week.

We also have achievement seekers. And we have plenty of casual players who just like to explore what Azeroth has to offer.

If you’re still interested, my btag is Epsilonp#1422.

Hey Cronoblast,
I added you on discord but wanted to leave our information here as well.
Corrupted Intent is a 18+ horde guild on the server Area 52 looking for like minded players to come join us to push heroic and mythic level raiding.

What you should know

  • Current GM has 14 years of experience as a GM, Officers and RL have years of experience as well
  • We enjoy running keys, any level from 2’s all the way to 15+'s.
  • We accept all players from returning veterans to new players with little to no experience

Raid Information & Expectations:

  • Raid days and times are Friday & Sat from 7:00pm-10pm EST
  • 90% attendance & punctuality and accountability for raids
  • Willingness to become familiar with the raids if never done them before

What you can expect from us as a guild:

  • Open and honest constructive criticism and feedback
  • We joke around a lot but know when to be serious
  • Communication
  • A sense of community and direction
  • We love doing events such as Transmog runs, Mount runs, Duel Pvp nights, Trivia nights etc
  • An active discord

What we need:

  • Looking for like minded people who want to progress in raids & run keys as well
  • ***Healers & DPS classes for Raids & 1 tank ***

What we expect from our guildies:

  • Respectful of one another & a team player
  • Ability to take constructive criticism
  • A sense of humor
  • Discord for raiding, events and socially chatting with each other.
  • Knowledge of your class

Contact information:
Any questions/inquires please reach out via discord, btag or comment
Btag: Aria#13773
Discord: xstarlite#2756

{18+ Adult Guild} [H][Icecrown] Recruiting for DF! - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums ( add me on discord and lets chat

Hiya Cronoblast!

[A] House Brighthammer (Wyrmrest Accord) is a smallish guild that raids Normal/Heroic (and sometimes dabbles in Mythic), does M+, and sometimes other activities together (M+, nog runs, collecting, achievements). We’re doing the Fated raids in Normal for the Slime Kitty and some Dinar, but will be returning to our AOTC focus in Dragonflight. We’ve been looking for more dps and more family members and would like to invite you to check us out. Raid times are Wednesday, Sunday, and Monday 10-Midnight PM Eastern. We use two-way Discord communication. If you are interested, I’d love to hear from you at Aristiri #1425 Bnet, or Akaitaka #9181 on Discord.

Hi Cronoblast,

Its Bloodlust Not Hero, H Thrall, is recruiting reliable dps, and a tank for our Fri/Sat night, 8-11 pm EST raid team, for Season 4 and Dragonflight. The guild has been around for about 8 years, with some of us having raided together since Wrath. We are a 21+ adult guild with an often bawdy sense of humor. We are very LGBTQ friendly. Since the event of cross-faction raiding, about half of our team decided to go alliance, so we also have an alliance guild on Thrall, Its Hero Not Bloodlust. We use a community chat for now, until Blizzard allows cross-faction guilds; use the same discord, and raid and run m+ together as we did before.

We achieve AoTC for every tier. We may fool around with some mythic bosses but mythic progression is not our main goal. We have families and work schedules and raid to relax and have fun. On off nights we run m+ and prefer to do that with guild groups. Nearly all of our raiders have KSM or are close to it… We are also willing to help gear up guildies who may either be changing their main, or are simply behind and want to gear up for raiding.

If this sounds like a group that would mesh with your preferences, add me, Tails#1421 and we can chat!

Hey Chronoblast!

BLASTIN is recruiting for DF, lead by CE players who want to push content. Our goal is to push top 200-300 first tier and press on forward in the ranks the following tiers to come in hopes to get Hall of Fame, if this sounds like something you’d be interested in add my discord : Fruity#8506


Dark Exiles is a newly founded guild on Bleeding Hollow, with a experience leadership that are veteran raiders and M+ players.

We are looking for members who are interested in PvE content, such as mythic plus, as well as mythic raiding.

We are close to clearing all Fated heroic raid bosses with our main raid group, and have a normal raid group that is full clearing Fated normal raids weekly.

Our heroic raid group (Team TP) is 9/10 FHCN (should be 10/10 this Thursday), 7/10 FHSOD, and 6/12 FHSOTFO. Team TP raids Tuesday/Thursday 7:30-10:30PM Eastern Standard Time. The only thing keeping us from attempting mythic bosses is our lack of members. Our heroic group is looking for dps and healers who are flexible swapping between heals/dps.

Our normal raid group (Taco Team 6) is 10/10 FNCN, 10/10 FNSoD, 12/12 FNSotFO, and raids Friday/Sunday 7:30-9:30PM Eastern Standard Time. Our normal group is looking for dps and healers who are flexible swapping between heals/dps.

What are your plans for Dragonflight?
Since our normal and heroic raid groups raid at the same time, we plan on having raids at the same time (7:30pm EST)

The only difference for Dragonflight is that we will not have a designated raid end time, and we will be raiding nightly the first few weeks. We will pug who we need to to fill missing roles so we can push content. Our goal is to full clear normal the first week, with most of heroic and possibly a few mythic bosses. We will continue raiding nightly until Christmas, and will go back to raiding on Tuesday/Thursday 7:30-10:30PM Eastern Standard Time.

Also, with the new complexities of Dragonflight crafting, we are working on getting specialized crafters set up in our guild Discord. We would love to have players who are interested in working their specialization around for the guild, so we can support each other with gear and crafted items.

What if I am new to the game and have never raided or done M+?
We built this guild up from scratch. Many of our players were new to Shadowlands, undergeared, never raided, or were brand new players to WoW in general. I am extremely impressed with our leadership team, as when we started raided our raiders were barely able to clear normal raids, and now we almost have all heroic bosses on farm.

I am very confident that we will be able to teach more players how to raid and be successful, and we find great satisfaction in gearing players and bringing them up to preform at high levels.

Why join Dark Exiles?

  • We have a quickly growing community that supports each other to do content such as leveling, quests, M+, raids, achievements, mounts, and pet farming. There is always something to do and usually no lack of people in the guild willing to help you.
  • We have weekly events where you can win gold prizes, such as transmog competitions, fresh character races, and scheduled achievement runs.
  • We have an active Discord where we share pictures of our pets, guild achievements, transmogs, and post important information, as well as hang out in voice channels!

If you are interested in joining, please feel free to add me!
Discord: Drummerthing#5497
Battletag: Drummerthing#1906

would love to chat with ya

Sinafay: Btag – Kitsune#1784; Discord – Sinafay#3443
Chewtabacca: Btag – Chewtabacca#11193; Discord - Pookiejones#1829

added you, lets connect. we need a holy priest!