{18+ Adult Guild} [H][Icecrown] Recruiting for DF!

< Trinity > is an Adult Gaming Community / Guild. We’ve started rebuilding at the end of Season 3 Shadowlands. Our Servers: Icecrown, Garona, Burning Blade, Lightning’s Blade & Malygos ot of our Members are from **Most of us are from servers such as Thrall,Illidan,Sargaras,Stormrage, Proudmoore, Bleeding Hollow , & Malganis . We are recruiting for DragonFlight Come Check us out !!

**Players are expected to be open to Giving & Receiving Constructive Criticism. We look for players that know their classes, specs as well as raid mechanics. Trial periods lengths are case by case but will not come in as bench warmers as we want to see how you can perform in progression. We Will Teach “IF” you’re willing to learn.

We understand that things can come up and schedules can change. Notice of absence is required using the guild’s discord. Let the GM - Raid Lead - Officer know. We are flexible with you, Real Life Comes First!!

Raids: Heroic Progression Minded
Wednesday and Thursday 9:00 - 12:00 pm Central with a 10-minute break around 10:00 & 11:00 pm.
Mythic +: Ran Daily / Nightly = +2 - +20 +

Recruitment Needs:

Druid ( Resto / Balance / Feral / Guardian ) - in that order needed
Hunter ( Ranged Pref)
Mage ( Any )
Warlock ( Any )
Shaman ( Resto / Elemental / Enhancement ) Windfury Totem Highly Needed
Priest ( Shadow / Holy = Disc )
Death Knight (Unholy =Frost / Blood)
Monk ( MW / WW / Brew ) in that order needed
Rogue ( Outlaw / Assassin = Sub ) in that order needed
Warrior (Fury = Arms / Prot )
Demon Hunter (Havoc > Vengeance )
Paladin (Holy / Ret / Prot )

Look forward to hearing from you! Contact info: GM - Disocrd :Toxicity#6897 Bnet: Astrelles#1444 Recruiter - Discord: BJB#0407 Bnet: Devill#11943, check us out