Returning player. Cant go from Normal dungeons to heroic?

Nah, normal dungeon gear is 593 with no upgrade path.

Explorer is 597 - 619 (not present in dungeons)
Adventurer is 610 - 632 and drops in heroic (at 4/8 upgrades, or 619)
Champion is 636 - 658 drops in mythic

I dunno. Feels like there’s room for normal dungeons to drop explorer track gear. If they farm 619 gear after weeks of grinding story-level content, so what? Anyone who cares about gear will be 630-660 or whatever.

Or just lower requirements to queue heroic. That’s probably easier.

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I did a similar post

It just feels bad…no reason the requirement for Heroics is so high. I didn’t even bother with them in season 1. By time you can go into them, you lost motivation and don’t even care anymore

dont worry theyll fix the problem by deleting heorics in midnight.

There’s a big difference between gear progressing being time throttled vs having literally no direct connection between the 1st level of dungeon content (normal) to the next (heroic). That’s just bad design.

Normal dungeon gear not having an upgrade track and the ilevel cap from fully gearing through normal not being high enough to do the next level up of dungeons means there is no actual reason for normal dungeons to exist in the game.

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I’d say just start off with quest, new zone gives pretty decent item lvl.

It’s all bad design

Doesn’t feel great to have to do the same line of quests over and over and over and over as the only real path to go from siren isle to heroic dungeons on alts. :\