Seasons should let you go from Heroic dungeons -> Heroic dungeons, not backwards

If say all you did was Heroic dungeons, you got 580 gear from end of dungeon, and 593 gear in the vault.

THEN Season 2 comes out and it’s like “you need 606 ilvl to enter a Heroic dungeon”

Normal dungeons are now dropping the 593 from last season, okay…fine…

But then why is the ilvl for Heroics set so high? I shouldn’t have to do content I don’t like/want to do just to get the ilvl to get the content I do want to do.

And having Heroics unlocked, to locked again just because of a new season just feels bad

This was an issue last season too where normal dungeons didn’t give good enough gear to entire heroics. You have to do the world quests and other activities now

If you only raided heroic raid, you are most likely still doing normal first.

If you raided mythic, you are jumping into a lower difficulty first.

If you did m+15s, you are jumping into a lower difficulty first.