Returning player can't find any OLD characters

Looks like they are on a hotmail account, if you can recall using an old hotmail email address. The characters appear to be mostly on Andorhal and Illidan.

She’s on Boulderfist. You have characters on Lightninghoof, Maelstrom, and some low levels on Silver Hand and Thorium Brotherhood. :slight_smile:

Borslayer is on Frostmane along with a few others. You also have a character on Arthas and some others scattered about on Malygos, Shadowsong, Shattered Hand, Skullcrusher, Tichondrius and Warsong.


Thank you Vrakthris!

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It’s a Winter Veil miracle! Thank you!

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My friend as an account name of Cococrispies and character of the same name. He stated he can’t post to forums due to the game not recognizing his characters as lvl 10 or above. It has been years but I know he was previously at a significantly higher level. Thanks in advance.

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Thanks for posting for me @Borzerk, appreciate it. Can at least reply now.

Hi, any blues able to look into my account? I’m sure my first character from 2004 is gone as I don’t remember the server he was on and I think my email changed since that first character creation. Two characters I remember from that account are:
Humanitarian (lvl 60 night elf hunter)
Sunset (lvl 60 night elf priest, was on Azshara in 2005 when the server was first created)

The second thing I could use help with if those are too old to find is a human DK (Nostradamus) I made during Cataclysm who I think I maxed out. Thanks in advance for any assistance!

Hello, any blues able to look into a character I seemed to have lost? I had a level 80 human warlock “Shadowmagus”. I do not remember the realm but I would say Coilfang if I had to guess since I see another alliance character on that realm. Any help is appreciated!

And what info do you remember about the character? Name, realm?

Well, I was able to find Sunset. The license it is on looked to have been closed around 2007 for exploitation and was never merged onto a account. Assuming that wasn’t you, my guess is that it became compromised at some point and was used for gold farming, etc… until it was caught.

You can certainly try to get that one back. It was a long time ago but we may still be able to verify that it was compromised and return it to you. You’ll want to use Sunset on Azshara as your reference as I was able to find a deleted version of the character. You should be able to put in a ticket to try and recover the account. Be sure to use “The email address on my Blizzard account was changed, or I don’t remember what it is.

I can find two Human Death Knights with the name Nostradamus, but they are both 56, so not even out of the starting area.


Looks like that character is on Frostmane, Takzul.

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Hi, I have an old account and I believe my character name is “serpeantpriest” or “serpeant priest”.

I was pretty sure it was on Blackrock but my characters aren’t there.

I’m thinking that maybe I had a different email account but the emails I’ve tried dont seem to work.

Any ideas what I can do?

I’m not seeing any character with that name, so if there was one out it may have been flagged for a rename due to how long it was inactive. Making it more difficult to locate.

I am only guessing, but I imagine what you have on your account isn’t a real name and that might prove to be challenging if your original account also provided inaccurate information. If you can recall any other characters that might help. If you can recall what email addresses you have used in the past you can include those in a ticket for our staff to look into. If you used a real name, or recall what fake name you use, that could help as well.

Thanks a bunch! The DK might actually be named Nastrodamus as well (i realized i misspelled the name on accident after character creation). I maxed his level but his gear was meh.

I’ve put in a ticket. Many thanks for the info!

Hello. I haven’t played for over 10 years at least. I’m having trouble remembering what servers I had toons on. Any chance @vrakthris could you help me out? I wanted to get back into the game because my wife was showing interest in WoW. I am hoping they where on this account as this is my oldest email ive had. I had a human priest named Tj around level 80.

Unfortunately, it looks like this WoW license was created in 2014 and only has the characters you recently created on it.

If it’s been 10 years Tj likely has been renamed so it would be difficult to locate it. Do you have any other characters you can remember?

You’ll want to check your other thread. You already have a response.

I had a roughly 70 dwarf hunter and a death night that was close to 70 to. I had other characters but honestly cant remember the level. Is there anyway to check if there is other accounts that are very similar to my email? I use the same name on all my email accounts. I must of had a earlier email that I can not remember :frowning:

Adding another person to the list here who has given up on logging into every realm. I was able to find characters on 3 realms, but it’s become quite tedious to try logging into every realm.

I looked into the Profile APIs and I was wondering if the Account Profile Summary API will return ALL of the characters or, similar to the realm select, only characters on recently accessed realms? If not, it would be awesome if we could get an API that would allow us to query on a realm-by-realm basis for a list of characters.

I would need some character name references for a chance to find them since they aren’t on the account you are posting from. I had already checked but I was unable to locate any other account associated with an email that starts similarly to yours.

Do you recall if you merged your WoW license onto a account? If you played pre-2009 you may not have yet. If you can recall the name of your WoW license that could help.

Have you tried using the WoW Companion app? If I click on the option to switch characters it lists ones that I haven’t logged into for years, on all the WoW licenses on my account.

If you are referring to the WoW license on this account, Valrend, you only have characters on Wyrmrest Accord, Akama and Shadowmoon.

Thanks for the idea, I’ll try the companion app. It’s possible I had another account, but I don’t think that I did. Maybe I had just cleaned up all of my old characters at some point. Thanks for the quick response.