Returning player can't find any OLD characters

Sure thing!

Yeah, looks like in 2010. Keep in mind you may experience the level squish that happened with Shadowlands, so the character level may be different from what you remember.


Hate to bug you again, Vrakthris, but I just logged in and switched to the Teneras realm and my old warlock isn’t showing up to be undeleted. I guess that means he’s gone? No big deal, was just hoping to revive him to play out of nostalgia and use Chromie time to see if I can pick up where I left off.

Vrak can see the character, so it is likely a game master will be able to, as well. Submitting a ticket would be your next best chance, via this link.

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No, I can see the character so it should be available. The realms are just coming up though, maybe give it a few minutes and try again. Make sure you have Terenas selected, you should see several deleted characters.

If it persists, the link Ekon provided would be your best option.


Thank you. Currently I only see the two I deleted recently, Worc and Lunafist. If there are others, including Dreadlock (or Dreadlocke?), they aren’t showing either. I’ll check out the link after giving it some time. I appreciate both your answers coming so quickly!

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I am currently having the same issue… no idea where my old toons are.

It would help if you could provide some basic information such as which characters you are trying to find? Providing a few of your most recent characters can help track them down. Name/level/class/race.

Looking at this license, Schwarzelf, you appear only to have three characters on it. The one you are posting on as well as a level 20 on Gurubashi and a level 1 on Exodar.


I had the account under a different email but i changed it in 2019, i tried getting in under my old email but it says account doesnt exist… i had a DK, Hunter, and Pally… i cant for the life of me remember their names. Not much to go on i know lol

Unfortunately, you don’t appear to have used a real name to create this account, or at least a real full name, so it’s hard to find any other account that might be related.

We can often help track down a WoW license if we have a few character names, or even just one, if it is unique enough or has other identifiers like the class/race. Maybe an old BattleTag? I’m afraid this is a good deal less than not much. :smiley:

By chance do you use the same computer as you did when you played those characters? You might have old screenshots that include character names.

If you have an old install of the game you could look under the Warcraft/WTF/Account/(Account name)/(Realm folder)/(Character File)… to give you some information. If you can provide any of that, we might have a shot.

If you can recall the name that was on the account, assume you used your first and last that might work. That isn’t something I’d be comfortable doing in a public venue, so you’d want to put in a ticket so Support can try to look it up.


I know my old battletag, lost the hard drive in my pc so i dont have any of the old files… my old gamertag is Oldford1107 if thay helps, as you said about the privacy aspect ill submit a ticket and see if i can get it sorted that way.

My blizzard account got hacked a few years ago i dunno if that may have anythjng to do with it? It was under my old email, i have changed the name on my account now so my actual name is there lol i have emails showing my battletag Oldford911 and oldford1107 for some reason

I think I found it Schwarzelf.

BTW - that wasn’t your old Battletag, that’s the license name. Your license was so old it’s back when they were individually named. I know that may seem to be the same, but for us - it’s a totally different thing. That’s the 911 one. The other, if it’s the same type of situation, isn’t on the same Battlenet.

3 licenses on that account - and yes, they’ve been banned and looks like it may have been compromised.

I did have the one I found attached to your ticket to make it a little easier on the GM that gets it to work.

I do see you have a comp ticket open.


Ok at least weve found soemthing with the very limited information ive provided lol i submitted the ticket as you mentioned so hopefully i can get soemthing sorted out, i did have a bunch of trouble with my battlenet account a few years back i think it was hacked but i got all that sorted out so hopefully i can get linked back up with my old toons lol