As a heads up, prot paladin are living naaru.
By that, they are immortal with infinite healing.
You can solo mythics (when overgeared, but even beastmaster has a hard time with that unless VERY overgeared and I tried it and it takes far more skill than prot paladin would). Which means as paladin you can get vault items to get top end gear (though of course still not the #1 best as that will require grouping).
However because of this, you can be in the top end (or high end if you prefer) gaming, SOLO. Something only one other MMO can advertise (and no it isnt GW2), which is black desert online (and that is without p2w as well btw).
Prot paladin is the best class for this by far, its brokenly OP for soloing, and kinda wish I focused on my paladin but oh well. Tbh I thought they would get the nerf bat alongside warlocks…hence didnt level mine…BUT NOPE…didnt get touched at all lol.
Check out this post (last post in thread by Picksi), its what got me back into WoW