Returning Player - best solo class for content


Returning player here…wondering whats the best class to solo content (Legacy / Torghast etc) in SL if you could only invest into one character?

At this stage it looks like…

  1. BM Hunter
  2. Prot Paladin
  3. Blood DK
  4. Balance Druid

It seems Havoc DH also hv good solo potential, but some of those posts look a bit old and it seems they were nerfed at some stage?

Suggestions appreciated, thanks.

For solo content where you want to have fun, choose whatever you like playing. It’s really that simple. Any class and spec is capable of leveling solo, though some do have a bit more survivability. If that’s what you want, then choose a class with either a tank pet (Warlock, Hunter, e.g.) or a class that has convenient self heals but also does a lot of damage (Ret Pally, Fury and Arms Warrior). But don’t overlook classes that don’t have those, like Fire Mage, Enhancement Shaman both a lot of fun to play. Most importantly, just roll what you think you will like and have fun.


Druid is great, but there are times when guardian will be your best choice.


My personal experience is that Guardian or Prot Paladin are the best solo classes.

That being said, when I’m on my BM hunter I can usually solo the same things as they do, but much faster.


BM Hunter with Clefthoof


I like paladin

Torgast is a breeze as holy and prot, and geared ret just bursts down most things in open world

Holy and ret have been really handy while doing ZM farming and things

I like my hunter too but infinite healing is great. If you really like hunter aesthetic then hunter, if not then my vote is paladin
(Bonus points to feign death)

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I have no idea how Balance Druid got in there.

Obviously BM Hunter is the best but it’s really boring. Tank specs are obviously great but everything dies really slowly.

Personally I would pick Mage or DH.


If you google " The Best Solo Classes for WoW: Shadowlands" Balance druid comes in at number 3 - so I tried out my druid alt (Level 60 - ilevel 220) and couldn’t get past the first boss in Mythic Emerald Nightmare…meanwhile my mage can down the same boss at ilevel 215 with relative ease…just don’t get it tbh…but hv been outta the game for years.

Also curious…but is there any value in collecting the artifact relics from Legion? - I mean can we make this weapon still?

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Even if you can make the weapons (might have to google that one) you wouldn’t want to use them aside from Transmog. The effects have been disabled, etc. Same with the Neck from BFA. They really want to funnel people into current content.

You can get all the weapon skins now, aside from the Mage tower ones. The only semi-difficult one would be the +15 mythic plus requirement, but you can still meet that with a current +15 key.

IMO Balance is not the best druid solo spec. I would say Guardian, then Feral, then Balance. Note that Guardian, by nature of it being a tank, is naturally immune to some mechanics in certain boss fights (You won’t be hit my the Mind Control on first boss in EN for example)

If we’re talking about farming Mythic raids from Legion, then feral so you can just cooldown-convoke a boss, and have it automatically reset for the next boss. Use the legendary to increase the affinity bonus with balance affinity and you’ll get a thrash that can clear an entire room while boosting move speed.

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Prot paladin is my favorite. It is a bit slow on that damage side, but unless you over pull (which is hard) or fail to pay attention you will survive just about anything.


I can’t speak for other classes but as a destruction warlock myself, I think it’s a good class for soloing pretty much anything.

Tanking pet, single target and aoe dps, decent self healing, decent survivavility for a dps caster, bres/self res…etc.

You can take groups of several monsters and kill them. If in a dangerous situation you can usually escape alive…that sort of stuff.


I have recently soloed mythic Nythendra on ilvl 100 level 50 guardians.

None whatever. You will never use the weapon, and to complete your class hall you do not need to put relics in it.

:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

insane trash mowing
low repair bills
a ‘caster’ who can ‘cast’ on the move.
grab a pet with Ferocity and you got all the self heals you need…in combat for god sake. lol
Feign Death is your get out of death free card as well as the answer to that stupid ‘in combat’ bug.

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that. exactly that. I CAN do it with other classes, but BM hunter just shreds thru it all even before youre gear is that great.

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Druid, in old content it’s pretty fast

If you run up on something current you can’t take down in balance or feral, the bear is there for you.

For LFR quick Qs, resto gets it done.

Not to mention, a night fae feral basically has an “I win” button with convoke.

It’s hard to beat


The list is (in no particular order) usually.

Any tank spec.


Thanks all for input - was kinda hoping DH was viable…seems like a fun class to play…graphics are amazing

BM hunter or Prot paladins are the best solo classes.


In SL, I’ve played a Fury Warrior, MM Hunter, Ice/Fire Mage, Enh Shaman, Ret Paladin and a Feral Druid. I haven’t liked my druid for several xpacs, got fed up with leveling her in SL and deleted her. Created a Ret Paladin.

Warrior was just painful, except in Torghast. My oldest character (since 2005) so sentimental value keeps her around.

MM Hunter was the most fun with high survivability. Pretty much became my main during BfA.

Mage fun with low survivability. Second most favorite character to play, but easy to die when I make mistakes (like getting too many mobs.)

Ret Paladin is somewhere in the middle, but with super high survivability (except in Torghast. Don’t know why, but I just don’t do well there with her.)

Enh Shaman is a mixed experience for me. Fairly high survivability though it varies. Pretty good in Torghast. This character often gets on my “not playing it for a while” list. (Was so horrible in BfA, it almost got deleted. I’d consider race change from Tauren if Alliance got a cute furry race.)