Yeah. That - OP. Pick what you enjoy, otherwise you will hate it with passion.
All classes have solo potential. I highly suggest a class that can self heal. Like druid/paladin/monk or a pet class like Warlock/Hunter.
Yeah. That - OP. Pick what you enjoy, otherwise you will hate it with passion.
All classes have solo potential. I highly suggest a class that can self heal. Like druid/paladin/monk or a pet class like Warlock/Hunter.
If weapon mog hunting in the to do list, hunter. max gain for efforts there.
All weapons (mostly) are hunter weapons. My hunter after a healthy comp stomp run took the rep to buy the rogue’s daggers. the nice purple tinted ones from the rep vendor for an arathi faction. As dagger is still a hunter weapon lol. Mog hunter claimed…rogues use it
From your list, I would say blood dk because you can pretty much outheal everything in solo content and you can always go a dps spec if you ever want to switch things up.
But you also gave the option of DH, so I would recommend DH as my pick. Both vengeance and havoc dh are super mobile, strong, have lots of survivability, and honestly one of the most fun class to play in the game.
Yes I am a vengeance Demon Hunter and also a Beastmaster Hunter, and my DH is magnitudes more survivable in the harder zones. But the thing that’s the best for DH as a solo player is GLIDING – as the 3D landscapes have become more extreme, being able to fall and glide never loses its appeal!
Edit: Dangit, I just noticed this is a necro. Oh well, I’ll leave my post in case someone stumbles upon it in the future that might find it helpful.
There’s some randomness to that boss. Sometimes she casts the one-shot quicker than other times. It’s annoying. I tried Balance on my Druid for a while pre-ZM (around ~220 ilvl), and sometimes I killed her before she got off the cast, sometimes I didn’t. It worked better for me when I went back to Feral.
Balance worked better for me on the 2 opening bosses in Trial of Valor, though. I ran that thing waaaay too many times to get all of the recolors of the Mocassins of Silent Passage for my leather wearing Vulpera and Trolls.
So it depends on the dungeon, ime. If you want to play Druid (which is a great choice), try the different specs to see what works for you in a particular dungeon. Good luck, and I hope you find something that works for you!
BM Hunters were nerfed terribly, Survival is much better for damage, but both still hurt for healing and things.
Prot Paladin is awesome, period.
Blood DK isn’t bad, but I leveled mainly Unholy and was fine otherwise unless I just had to tank something.
I tended to go Guardian on my Druid, but Balance is a lot of fun for dungeons/group stuff
I’ve leveled a blood DK, druid and BM hunter through SL. Love the Druid, but switched from Boomkin to Guardian because some things just hit hard and I’m clearly missing something with regards to Boomkin. Blood DK is easy. It does take a little longer to kill things, sometimes a lot longer, but survivability is good. I have to say BM was easy but I struggle to enjoy the spec. Waaaaay back when I loved how it worked but several talent re-dos back in the day and the current SL just got me out of love with the class.
I did level it because it is also my alchemist and leatherworker, two craft skills that are useful in SL.
But really, play what you enjoy, as others have said. You should be able to do well.
Warrior excel at soloing this patch. Fury and prot both are capable of an obscenity of damage and healing. 269 vers stacked prot set I’m doing like 14k HPS 14k DPS in 5 target sustain, it really handy.
I don’t play any of those 4 but any of those would work. I know people say they can solo “newly” content well as a DK and I assume a Hunter would be good too since the pet can tank. Speaking as a mage, we are horrible at soloing old mythic raids unless they are now 3 expansions old. We used to only have to wait 2 expansions. ie. This expansion as a mage we should have been able to solo all Mythic raids from Legion but at least up till now I can’t solo the final 2 raids of Mythic. Not sure if people decked out in mythic gear this tier and m+15 and higher gear can solo as a mage now though.
But yeah, DKs to my knowledge could solo all of Mythic Legion raids from the start of this expansion.
If you are talking about soloing current content what exactly are you expecting to solo? I don’t think any of those could solo a normal raid this expansion. Probably some BfA ones though (DK that is maybe a prot pally too).
Beast Mastery Hunter. I started Shadowlands at 50, and was max level before I even finished the second zone of quests. BM hunter is pretty much the most survivable class/spec you can make for solo content.
Torghast gives you a buff that increases your pets size and damage reduction and damage dealt…Gets to the point where I can solo pull entire rooms then just multishot and let my pet cleave lol. It is ridiculously easy. Legit would never pick any of your other four except Blood DK, but thats because you are a tank who does probably too much damage most times.
I think all of the options you have chosen are good. Keep in mind that tanks play a little differently in the open world - killing mobs takes a little longer (gear held equal) than dps, so it’s better to pull a few mobs at a time. As a tank, you will be able to survive more mobs than dps.
Havoc is great for old solo content vengeance or havoc
Tanks essentially, I definitely vouch for a blood DK but it can feel slow cuz of no damage. Basically put any activity your doing in group finder customs to speed things up
As a heads up, prot paladin are living naaru.
By that, they are immortal with infinite healing.
You can solo mythics (when overgeared, but even beastmaster has a hard time with that unless VERY overgeared and I tried it and it takes far more skill than prot paladin would). Which means as paladin you can get vault items to get top end gear (though of course still not the #1 best as that will require grouping).
However because of this, you can be in the top end (or high end if you prefer) gaming, SOLO. Something only one other MMO can advertise (and no it isnt GW2), which is black desert online (and that is without p2w as well btw).
Prot paladin is the best class for this by far, its brokenly OP for soloing, and kinda wish I focused on my paladin but oh well. Tbh I thought they would get the nerf bat alongside warlocks…hence didnt level mine…BUT NOPE…didnt get touched at all lol.
Check out this post (last post in thread by Picksi), its what got me back into WoW