I left retail to play classic a while back and while i enjoyed vanilla through wrath, cata just isn’t holding my attention. Plan to put my free time into TWW and looking for a guild that does least heroics. Mythics arent a priority for me but i do enjoy the challenge if guild decides to jump into them. I went ahead and made sure i leveled one of every class to 70 in prepatch to figure out what i wanted to play but still can’t decide what i wanna play so I’m open to focusing on any class that is needed.
Vanilla- Hunter main that mostly pvped with a few ZG runs because i spent 90% of vanilla under lv 60 pvping so by time i hit 60, people were already in AQ40.
TBC- Resto shaman main. full cleared all BT before the attunement nerf and up to brut before sunwell nerf.
Wrath- Ele shaman main with server first ToGC but was sat for guilds server first LK kill cause we class stacked like most guilds and ele shamans were one of the undesirables.
Cata- Took a break for school
Mists- Returned more casual as a Brewmaster monk in a very casual guild.
WoD- Sat the expansion out like alot of people.
Legion & B4A- Demon hunter in a “heroic + whatever mythic we could clear before next phase” guild until after the second raid tier of B4A where i went back to classic “full time”
Shadowland & Dragonflight- Leveled characters at launch but remained classic. Something i have no plans to do cause i got tired of cata after less then a month.