Return to Karazhan bugged again?

I guess this proves the old adage to be true: The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Corny, I know, but a little humor never hurts and it does fit the situation. :rofl:

Still happening as of 07/28/22

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Hate to “necro” this thread, but I just 1 shot Toe Knee and he instant died. Then a bunch of dialogue between him and the murlock went on and on for a bit. Now it’s totally frozen and stuck. I can’t do anything but alt F4 or hearth out. What a stupid “fight”. How is this not fixed since legion?


Still happening in Dragon Isles.


Still happening. Please fix or don’t put it in the rotation. It’s only gonna get worst.


Just making sure this thread doesn’t die, because it’s still happening.


yo fix this


i equipped low boe weapon to dps them with auto attacks, worked fine, took longer than expected but still worked.

Just figured id try this dungeon, never did it in legion. What a pile of garbage. That this is still an issue, at least according to this multi year thread.


Please fix this.

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Anyone still here looking for a solution; I just did this on my monk today:

Strip all your gear, get 100% naked, and punch mobs with bare fists and zero gear on. and I mean take everything off; rings, trinkets, everything. Get adds to under 50% (don’t kill them!). Get Toe Knee to sub 50% and stop dps the second he’s under 50% (Don’t kill him! Stop dps after the first hit that brings him under 50%). Wait for murlocs to activate and repeat getting each mob to sub 50% and stopping DPS the second they’re under 50% without killing them. Wait for Toe Knee to rejoin the fight. Once he engages and takes a swing at you, you’re free to kill everyone.

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Thank Goodness for Stealth as a Night Elf.

But yeah, still many years later since it came out 2016 not fixed, is insane that it hasn’t yet. 2033 maybe? :stuck_out_tongue:

But also - doesn’t work for all classes. The fact its showing you as a lvl80 be wild (Classic char I guess?) anyway - lvl60 Boomkin no gear can’t do it with fists. RIP.

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Hate to necro, but even this solution doesn’t work for me
Here’s what I’m doing:

I’m removing ALL my gear, literally have my character buck naked.

  • I’ve tried bringing the adds to sub 50 and then bringing Toe Knee to 50% to phase him. This part works, he “rests” and the murloc side activates.
  • I repeat the same with murloc adds, bring them to sub 50 and then hit Mrrgria to 50 to phase the fight. Toe Knee comes back in.
  • At this point, I kill the adds, and then hit Mrrgria, who then becomes neutral at 1% hp and appears stunlocked, while Toe Knee just keeps using his attacks even after he hits 1%. The fight just gets stuck here, he keeps hitting me till I reset him.

There’s absolutely nothing I can do to end this encounter. Dunno if this helps, but I’m facing this as a DK.

If anyone has any advice on how to tackle this as a DK dps, feel free to share.


The work-around for this bug is that you now have to kill Toe-Knee as quickly as possible as opposed to slowly killing him. Basically the opposite solution as before. This game really has a quality control problem


Do you still have to get him to 50% and then kill him? Or just nuke him immediately?

i tried both today and it bugged out, lame, takin all gear off did not even work and it always does.

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Just tried for the 4th try, took everything but sword off and used blade of justice, that did the trick n sent him to rest for a bit

What order did you do everything in?

I used the blade of justice which aoe’d the mobs around Toe Knee down. It actually took all of his health but he still took his rest, so i ran to the other side and killed those mobs which brought Toe Knee over n let me kill him.

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The fact that this is STILL broken is insane. Blizz PLEASE fix this.

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