Return to Karazhan bugged again?

So the opera boss is Toe Knee again this week, to those dedicated runners who remember how ****ed that boss has been. I DPSd him down slowly to 50% and the murloc spawned, but she is now invincible. You can’t dps her down to 1 hp. Toe Knee dies but she and the adds all stay at 1 HP and dance in place. you can’t drop combat unless you’re a class/race that can do so so you can’t even leave without force quitting. This dungeon is an embarrassment


Still happening. Had to alt f4 outa the game. :frowning:


Yeah you gotta dps the main murloc girl down to 50% and then stop until Toe Knee rejoins the fight (after getting Toe Knee down to 50% beforehand).

It is a pain


Struggling with a tough foe? remember just keep your health above 0 while lowering your enemies health to 0. Works ALMOST every time!


I had to alt tab to something else for 30 minutes because even quitting the game would not get rid off this angry murlock woman. This dungeon has been out for 3-4 years now, why is it still broken?


still broken. same issue.


Can confirm it is still bugged. Toe Knee is at 1hp and won’t die. Blizzard seems to have no intention of fixing if it has been this long.


Like every single multi phase fight, applying too much damage too quickly can cause problems. The fix, like every other instance of these types of issues, is calm down.

As long as you don’t bring Toe Knee to 1hp before the Murloc activates you’ll be fine. She’s supposed to trigger at 50% health. Get him somewhere between 1% and 50% and you’ll be fine. Blow your entire wad and try to kill him in .7 sec and you will have problems.

These encounters are designed for a group and no one wastes time trying to figure out how it might break if someone finishes the first phase before the second one starts because that scenario has nothing to do with what the content is designed for.


People don’t like it when the easiest solution to something like this is to “slow down”.

I mean who takes advice from Pandas anyway. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Just coming here to say, as of 1/12/2021, the fight still has this issue. If you kill Toe Knee too fast, you’ll have to wait for him to kill you as he’ll stay at 1 hp. Now I know, but it’s a silly issue nonetheless.

This is still an issue for me as well… it never actually did this to me before until today.

Yupp same here. First time running this god forsaken dungeon for an attempt at the mount, and I can’t even get past the first boss because Mrrgria is stuck at 2hp and slapping me with water. Alt+F4 did jack.

Lmao still bugged if anyone was wondering but whos actually surprised not like blizzard is capable of solving these problems


Who’s actually surprised that the solution of not hitting them like you’re trying to rank on a 2 expansion old dungeon boss still works, but people somehow can’t stop pressing their dps buttons for a couple seconds.

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Its more comical that this bug has been known for 2 expacs and blizzard simply doesnt care enough to fix it, obviously this is a small thing but its still funny that it wont get fixed and this isnt the first time old raids/dungeons have been bugged.

Your right the solution is simply just hit them slower but thats not what the point is, focus on the point rather than creating a different narrative otherwise the arguement goes off on a tangent and nothing focused on, the best way to do that is to agree with the persons original point then go on and bring up a different statement


It’s not a tangent to remind everyone that all of these bugs have a very simple fix that is entirely in the control of the player. I prefer a more pragmatic solution than “to agree with the persons original point”, especially when I don’t agree.

It’s not funny or comical, it’s just the way it is. It’s the way it will probably always be. Multiphase fights will bug if you push through the phasing too fast. It’s happened to all of them since at least Mount Hyjal in BC. Which is more helpful, complaining about it, musing about how “funny” it is that it’s still happening, or providing the means to prevent the bug from happening?


Welp, you can tell how infrequently use the forums, since I accidentally deleted lol. Reposting:

Except you’re not just “reminding everyone of the very simple fix.” You’re making condescending remarks about people trying to “rank” on an old boss, etc. Such comments are extremely unhelpful and antagonistic, and they only serve to distract from the real issue. Which is the point Deaded was making about it being a tangent (which it is). It would be one thing if you offered a solution and left it at that, but you chose to be acerbic and self-righteous about it instead. Not very “pragmatic” of you.

Also, your proposed solution is not a “fix,” it is a workaround. Only Blizzard can implement an actual fix. More importantly, it is a workaround for a problem we are not responsible for creating or solving. Not to mention, preventing this bugged state is not at all intuitive. For many people, they’ll only become aware of these types of issues - and their respective workarounds - after creating or reading a thread like this one. That’s not the fault of the player encountering the bug. If an old fight can’t handle the speed of higher level players in later expansions, it needs to be updated. Just as they’ve done for countless other fights.

In fact, I have no idea what you’re even talking about with “every single multi-phase fight.” I run a lot of old raids and dungeons every week and this is currently the only one I can’t just zerg. Every other fight works fine. I even did Hyjal yesterday and just one-shot everything without a single issue. Sure, I’ve come across various issues in the past, but they’ve all been fixed relatively quickly. This one is the longest-standing issue of this sort I’ve come across in several years now. Additionally, I ran into an issue today where the normal workaround failed to prevent the issue three separate times before finally working on the fourth, which is originally why I came to this thread. In any case, maybe just try to remember that your perspective is not the only perspective, and maybe stop assuming everyone else is operating on the same exact information you are before commenting. :man_shrugging:


My first comment, in November, was a more straightforward explanation. When Deaded necro’d with a trash post 3 months later I responded in kind. I find it very pragmatic to speak in the tone of the people I’m responding to.

I don’t know of any fights that have been updated this way. Please cite these updates.

Maybe you don’t do very much damage. The third boss of Hyjal bugs if you kill the trash too close to the spawn point. Kael’thas in TK can bug, but I don’t remember the conditions because I stopped doing it years ago. The Lich King in ICC can bug if you kill self res and kill him during the RP. Mythic Ragnaros in FL can bug if you kill him before he completes his transition into the final phase. Paragons in SOO can bug if they are pulled before each one has finished its pre fight speech, and they will bug if more than one of them are killed before the replacement has engaged.

These are the ones I can name off the top of my head, I’m sure there are others. There may also be situations in later expansions I didn’t encounter because I learned that multiphase fights are dangerous and I approached them more carefully in my mog/mount farming. None of them have ever been “fixed”.

Denona gave the correct answer, very reasonably early in the thread. People continued bumping with inane chatter about the bug persisting when I weighed in with a more thorough explanation of how and why the bug works, and that it will occur in other multiphase fights. By the time I made my 2nd comment, anyone posting in this thread has already had two chances to be operating on the information I have.

Aside from the Paragons pre-pull bug, most of the others have received some adjustment at some point. I don’t know if they can still bug in a niche case involving a very specific set of circumstances, but that’s a different story.

That said, anything that has a bug from something like this has a fairly obvious flaw - people will scale up to the point where eventually, even completely naked and autoattacking with no weapons, we’ll autoattack past certain thresholds (or in some cases, passive damage). Even more so with how Legacy scaling works.

That’s one of the reasons why fixing bugs (and continuing to raise and bring attention to them so they don’t drop off the radar) is important, since workarounds don’t always continue to work.


This bug is still occurring. I charged in and one-shot Toe Knee and the murloc never activated.

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