Return Ranged Survival. Please

You have two ranged options, I choose to play ranged so my friends can play the melees. I could go melee if I wanted. I’m not a self-centered pretentious crybaby like some people who’ve been whining for three plus years. There is nothing wrong with having a melee option as well as the two ranged options the class has. I suspect you’ll be whining about it for another xpac since surv is staying melee.

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The issue with this argument is there was 11 melee DPs spec, but with Legion now there are 13, which introduced Havok and Survival. Every new class has had at least 1 new melee dps spec and 0 range dps specs. (Deathknight, Monk, Demon hunter, and Hunters). The spec that are range are purely casters, except for Hunters who were the only mobile range dps class.

Dps are a staple of any group and you need many of them, but even more range specs have become necessary, especially with they are able to jump from target to target.

For this reason most Hunters were given the run around tasks, being able to attack and move at same time because they were range. Hunter are still able to get raid spots; however, you see BM or MM filling those spots not MSV. It is not MSV can not top other DPS specs. The issue seems to be what can it bring that other melee dps can not, and with so many to choose from why bring MSV?

So, to those of you who play melee a lot - why? If you knew you’er chances were higher to be accepted into parties quicker playing BM or MM DPS, would you switch, or just wait for a slim chance of being pick and playing MSV?


I play with friends, and can choose whichever spec I want to run around with. Sorry I don’t need to wait to be chosen by anyone.

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Melee survival is amazing, except for the clunky pet.

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PvE is for the birds. I never bother, the class/spec elitism has turned me off since BC.

So, just curious, what is it that you love about Survival? What makes it amazing as a Hunter?

Given that the core of Hunter is ranged/pet/traps/tracking, and you have given up ranged and don’t seem to like the pet, I’m assuming it must be the trapping gameplay? Or the tracking gameplay?


It great when you have friends or a guild who does mind what you choose. However, what about the other players that do not, or have a guild that forces you to a roll?

It easy for anyone that can just “say I don’t need to worry about it”, but that still does not help any new player that wants to try MSV only to be told to switch later on.

MSV shines best in PVP, and that seems to be what Blizzard wants with Hunters. Every spec has it place, BM for casual pve play, MM for the raiding group, MSV is designed to be the PvP spec.

It seems that way but thats not how blizzard intended specs to be. It just so happens they shine best in the areas they do cause blizzards BFA class designers dropped the entire ball on classes, which Ion admitted at blizzcon.


This doesn’t change anything I said. You choose to play ranged because you being melee would actively hurt your raid group. All this talk about melee Hunters being great yet you have first-hand experience of one of the most basic reasons why it’s not: it is inherently less desirable and useful than the ranged specs.

And yes, there is something wrong with having a melee option when the class identity has always been centred around ranged weapons and we lost a good ranged spec to get the melee spec, and evidently that melee spec is a pariah in PvE content.

Warriors are amazing except for the melee weapons and rage.

See how dumb that sounds?

Becaue that’s basically what you just said about Hunters.

Translated: “I’m not good enough for PvE”


Unless you’re playing in a top world first raiding guild, that’s drivel.

p.s. @Bepples good job trying to “interpret” what I said. SV being melee isn’t a hindrance. I could play it just fine and pull more than adequate numbers. I play the ranged version simply because my guild has more melee, not because SV underperforms. So, you’re either being obtuse or purposefully trying to misrepresent the point. We all know which it is…


Have you not noticed the word CLUNKY or just chose to ignore it? Last week i had my pet get stuck every time behemoth moved… Thats not amazing and not exclusive to sv

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It really isn’t. Even middle-of-the-pack guilds don’t like bringing SV Hunters because they take up a melee spot for absolutely no benefit.

“SV isn’t a hindrance, but I don’t play it because it would hinder my raid”

- You right now

Back in WoD we would sometimes have 4 Hunters in our mythic raid group, all Survival. And it didn’t matter.

So you’re interpreting it as “I would like the pet if it weren’t clunky”? You can do that if you want but the post did not say that.

Plus, I see people clamoring for a petless melee Survival all the time. They literally want a Hunter spec lacking the two basic elements of a Hunter. Funnily enough, there was just one iteration of SV that could opt out of a pet, and that was WoD ranged Survival.


SV isn’t a hindrance. Having an overabundance of melee can be, and I choose to be a good sport and switch to ranged for balance. You aren’t really this dimwitted and are just pandering at this point to people who don’t know any better.

p.s. I guess you somehow “missed” MM throughout most of Legion when the best spec was petless. I didn’t see your incessant whining about it though, wonder why…

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“SV isn’t a hindrance, it’s just that SV is melee and melee happens to be a hindrance”

- Still you right now

I didn’t mind MM being petless in Legion, or both MM and SV being petless in WoD, because they were ranged. Being ranged is the most central part of the Hunter identity. Not being ranged is bad. Not being ranged or having a pet is worse. At that point it’s not even a Hunter.


How is it you can’t grasp that my guild has an abundance of melee raiders and therefore I play ranged.? It has nothing to do with melee being a hindrance or SV being a hindrance. Most raid nights we have 10 melee show up (or more). That’s a guild issue and not a melee or class issue. Again, quit being daft.

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Just think, if SV were still ranged you could play it in your raid group, LMAO.


I can right now if I want to… you’re daft.

p.s. SV is staying melee enjoy another 2 years or more of it in Shadowlands!


So if someone plays shaman, they must be elemental or if they play druid, they must be balance? Because they otherwise take up a melee slot?

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Yes. If u are playing any of those specs u are usually holding your team back because their range counterparts are just better


Try " I couldn’t care less about pve, because a brain dead marmot can do it ."

I just don’t enjoy fighting AI, it’s not reactionary enough for me.

But go ahead champ, you do you. Hollar at your melee classmates!

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