Return of Shal'Thorah (A-RP Event)

What is Shal’Thorah?

After the Sundering and the defeat of the Burning Legion nearly 10,000 years ago, the kaldorei adopted a sport of martial combat. Their goal wasn’t to turn their people into lean, mean fighting machines. They were just looking to reinforce the values that warriors were taught in the old era. Self-discipline. Respect. Knowledge. Focus. Bravery. Poise. Intensity. Honor.

These eight values each represent a feather color, a mark of merit earned by athletes. When you set foot inside one of their training halls, one of the first things you’ll see hanging from the hair of the warriors are the different colored feathers, typically fashioned in a messy braid. Disciples progress through each value, testing to earn a new color. On average, it can take a few years to achieve a black feather, a rank of honor and achievement among others who practice the sport.

The current day Shal’thorah being hosted by Jai’alators Vigil and various Kaldorei community members. Any those who would wish to aid in any way possible to keep these traditions and sparring alive, seek out Naelir Moonblade.

What are the rules?

Sign Up: Sign ups start for 5pm Server and the final cut off is 5:30pm Server. All those who wish to fight will form a circle alongside the main sparring ring and one of the judges will be going behind them. You must be in the circle before 6pm. As that is when the judge starts to move.Having them call out their name to be recorded. After all names are called, a small five minute break is had to break everyone into their groups and brackets.

Brackets: There are 3~5 Judges in total and the numbers are split between the judges. Judges from the brackets after the initial first round are over and keep doing so till there is one person left from their group. Once each judge has 1 fighter left, we regroup at the main ring for the Semi and Finals to start.

General Rules:

No weapons nor magic allowed, as this is an unarmed tourney.**

No excessive force that can lead to broken bones*

No vital or life threatening hits nor any hits in the;
- Eyes
- Groin
- Throat
- Knees

*If the emote did not initiate broken bones but the defender took it as such, no penalty to the attacker. And the defender may be forfeiting current/future matches pending the severity of the broken bone and/or similar drawbacks they took.

Healing: If one has taken a serious blow they are given a potion or a healer may do a quick healing emote. These are meant to be one post long to help speed things along and not bog down the event, even more so when there are larger numbers. The player may take it as a full heal or a patch up job to keep them in fighting shape till the nights end.

To offer healing characters some RP and a role we should have healing volunteers that will offer said healing/potions between rounds if people need/elect for them.

When is the next event?

Feb 5th @ 5:30pm Server. (Show up at 5:00 for Sign Ups.)
Event is taking place at Feathermoon Stronghold

Who are the Judges?

Naelir Moonblade
Thinus Shadowfern
Isuldien Leafswift


We are looking for Volunteers as in mostly for healer roles to help quickly patch up people between matches. If you would like to do so and help out contact myself or one of the other judges listed above. If you’d like to help out in other ways, contact the judges and we can see what can be done!

Combat Rules

Opponents roll, then emote. Highest roll knocks the opponent down 1 point, but if the different between the rolls is 3 or greater , it knocks them down 2 points. For example,

(2) v (4) = 1 point
(1) v (5) = 2 points

The game changes if you make it a tug of war/wrestle out of the ring style sparring instead of a game of endurance and swift strikes, endurance/Strike Game

Players begin with 5/5 endurance points.

First player to reach 0/5 loses the spar.

In this /roll 5 game, the highest number rolls reduces the opponent’s endurance by 1 point; or sometimes 2 points when (1) v (5) occurs in combat. Players /roll 5 first then emote accordingly. Typically the first player to roll the highest number wins initiative and emotes first.

Thinius rolls 3.
Isuldien rolls 4.

  • Isuldien emotes first, and takes 1 endurance point from Thinius.-


This is a returning event, for any possible future changes, edits, etc in regards to feedback, please contact Naelir Moonblade or any of the judges listed further up in the post.


This sounds like alot of fun, hope to see alot of you there!

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Friendly little bump, event is this Saturday! Any questions, concerns etc please leave em here or find my discord contact information in the link in the post! o7

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Good luck to all the fighters! :boxing_glove: :leaves:

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Gathering for Shal’Thorah starts in just a few moments for our fighters who wish to join. If you wish just to watch, starts at 5:30pm Server!

Next one is Oct. 3 at the same time! See you there!


I’d love to participate, if there’s still room for fighters!

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Hope a death knight showing up won’t be too much of a shock

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Sign ups open up at 5pm Server! If you’d like to register a spot OOCLy to just help give us a head count to properly train our monkey’s I mean judges for the night. My contact information can be found in the hyperlink post in the main post! Hope to see ya there.

And all members of the Alliance are welcomed to join, even those part of the Ebon Blade.

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Coming up in just over an hour. Should be an awesome time!


Gathering is starting now! Message Naelir ingame to get a raid invite to the event, and best of luck to tonights fighters!

Looking forward to this Saturday!

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Morning bump to remind those interested that today is the last Shal’thorah for this month! Sign ups start at 5pm Server and fighting will start at 5:30pm Server.

If you’d like to fight and like to sign up early OOCly, please give me a poke ingame (Naelir) Or over on Discord (Braxis#1996). Just make sure to show up at 5:30 sharp!

Event starting now, come through!!!

I’ve been dethroned from my position of Champion!

In all seriousness, it’s always fun to get together for this event. There’s always so many different guilds/groups represented both ICly and OOCly, and it’s awesome to get to RP with so many people! Can’t wait to see who comes out on top this time!

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I came in here expecting to win it all.

Only to be taken out in the first fight.

And by a girl! :o


Congratulations to Lydirana from Moonglaive Sentinels in winning this nights Shal’thorah. Thanks everyone for coming and hoping to see you all again soon!

The next Shal’Thorah will be November 7th, same time and place.

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Starting in about an hour. Show up early to particpate!

Currently trying to show up on my KT, but no one is visible ono

Shal’thorah will be taking a break until 2021! This has been decided after speaking with some of the other judges from the Kaldorei of WRA Community. Due to the available times we have falling right around expac launch, raid tier openings and then the holidays.

Feel its the best to put this on old as we work on some more of the tourneys lore, and some variation to the event itself. Been a blast hosting these again and looking forward to do more once January rolls around!

For any of those interested that’d like to help with future events contact me ingame on Naelir! Or use the link in the main post to find my bnet and discord info.

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