Return lfr to personal loot

The answer is simple. Don’t do LFR for the purpose of gear improvement. The mogs are nice. The gear goblins will always try and make gearing in LFR a struggle for casual gamers and very little rewards. In fact, unless you plan on doing HEROIC / Mythic Raids or KSM, don’t bother gearing up at all. For the most part it’s just a huge waste of time for the sea of casual gamers. Casual content gamers should raid because they enjoy it, until it becomes a grind.

What your doing is robbing the person of the 445 gear when your gear is vastly superior. That is like taking someone elses lunch money.

Until the game puts the item in that person’s bag, they do not own the item, nor do they have any more claim to it than anyone else.


I’m not saying anyone here is one, but I can assure you that greedy people who have no business rolling on things will come up with the most off-the-wall rationalizations you can imagine to try justifying being the reason we have to make special loot rules.

Winning a roll isn’t robbing anyone. Expecting free carries is.

The question still stand why roll need on inferior loot items that does nothing for you?

Whatever reason they decide they need it for. That’s how it works.

No, the real question is why you care?

There’s no functional difference for you if you loose to a 489 character or a 424 character. Either way, you didn’t get the item. It was never yours. accept that and move on with your life.

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There is no good reason why.

It’s like those people who go around taking pictures of peoples cars and license plates because “they can”. Just because you can do something, does not mean you should.

You can get better gear elsewhere quite easily this XPAC for much less effort and headache, not the MOGs though. Timewalking raid is this week, you can get better then LFR raid stuff and it’s personal loot.

I have to reiterate what a complete waste of time for casual content gamers is to grind LFR unless they want some XMOG.

If the GM’s GF happens to have an item as an upgrade, there’s no good reason why she shouldn’t get it then.

It is an upgrade for her after all.

That’s true for raid in general as of late, M+ is more items for less effort.

And greedy people like you is what is wrong with WoW today. You think it is fair for those 424 players trying to gear up only to lose to a 489 ilevel player that doesn’t need the item. But only wants it for there transmog collection? There is a difference between want and need why don’t you grab a dictionary.

What possible need is a 445 item to a 489 character? Will it boost there stat no in fact it will lower them. So again why should 489 players be able to roll need on items that will make them weaker if they equip it?

I think it doesn’t matter who wins the item. Either you do, and you’re happy about it, or you don’t in which case better luck next time.

Looking at the person who won the item to try and find a reason they should give you the item makes you the problem. End of story.


The thing is, if you are doing normal you probably want to do heroic too since normal is pretty easy these days. Those item set bonuses are pretty big and while not required to do heroic or mythic, it makes it a lot easier to shell out the DPS numbers. Which reminds me, I have to get an update for Details yet.

And at this point in the season, you’re capped on catalyst charges, so any old M+ item can be converted to that slot of tier.

Raiding isn’t the best way to get tier at this point. M+ throws more convertible items at you, and the PvP conquest vendor exists.

Agree to disagree

Swapping back to personal loot means objectively getting less loot, so I don’t see why anyone wants that lol.

You’re the one who said there’s no good reason why the item shouldn’t go to a person for whom it’s an upgrade.

My main concern is how easy it can be to miss the change text. For example, a guild group is short 1 healer, tank, or specific class utility and PUGs that one thing, calls a 5 minute break before the most important boss (loot wise), then changes it midway through break during a normal discussion in raid chat; by the time the PUG gets back the yellow message could be gone.

If instead the system didn’t allow the loot to change in combat, starts a 30 second timer upon a loot change that cancels the change if boss combat occurs, and all players get a pop-up telling them a change is pending/was made that they have to manually dismiss, that would take care of my concerns with a loot switching system.

Let’s say I agreed with the premise here. Where are you planning to draw the threshold? Just mythic? I can get 483 from just heroic raid so that already knocks out the mythic gear. So heroic? Normal up to 476?

No matter what your answer, we will eventually reach a threshold where an item is an upgrade for me even at LFR item level. What then? Should I be disallowed the chance to roll for an upgrade despite it being an item level decrease?

And then how about the items where item level is merely a suggestion like Rashok’s Molten Heart least season? Every healer would use one for healing even at LFR level regardless what other trinkets they had even at mythic level.

There are also some weapons that have potent special effects. In SL S3, guardian druids wanted a strength mace foregoing all main stat for the special effect.

Wrong your need or gear might be different than what I consider as a need. What you trying to do is push your rules onto me following your rules. If blizzard allows me to roll need I will do it as I please. I can chose not to roll on items I can’t mog but for any items I can you bet I am rolling need because to me mog is a need to you maybe ilvl is need. We have different value therefore blizzard have allow me to roll need.

In your case I will just create another character with the same class I want to mog to. Make sure that character in in bare min ilvl to do LFR so I can roll need on every peice of gear as per your reasoning gear should to to players with low ilvl. Well my so call mogers for LFR only have min requirement for LFR. Guess what I do less dps, makes the fight last longer and possible wipe because there is less dps and I have less hp so healer have to work harder and I sitll get loot but the loot is mainly for mog for the main. So either way you lose out.