Boj cd is longer than expur duration.
We shouldn’t need boat loads of haste to get around that.
Also it feels bad to have to boj first then judge after before FV.
We already have a judge window, we don’t need a second one.
Boj cd is longer than expur duration.
We shouldn’t need boat loads of haste to get around that.
Also it feels bad to have to boj first then judge after before FV.
We already have a judge window, we don’t need a second one.
art of war? boj charges to get you going. you gain haste passively as you gain ilvl? i legit had 19% haste the start of this season and had no issues with the tierset
you dont start with judgement ever cause you wanted to get boj on cd asap due t o art of war. historically since boj was implimented in legion.
its literally the same window. judgement you get debuff AND the echo. non of this makes the spec clunky it literally rewards proper rotation for the easiest spec in the game
You need expurg up to get it…
So it’s essentially two windows.
And relying on a proc to ensure a smooth tier set is not fun.
There’s plenty times when judge will come off cd without expurg on the target while boj is still on cd.
your expurg should have 90%+ uptime just by playing the rotation correctly. thats not a window, thats the standard.
then a misplay has happen or your not running double boj.
considering the build your playing, its a man made issue…dude.
I’m coming from a pvp standpoint so no I don’t run two charge boj.
Again, the cd of boj is longer than expurg duration and obviously aow isn’t ways going to proc. Especially when kited or under cc.
Pvp build
then please note your talking about pvp.
Or don’t assume…
I literally don’t have any pve progression this season yet.
Plus season 2 was great for pve too.
yes, i can admit to that fault but also dont reply? when im replying to a pver?? on a clear pve topic?
The thread is pvp/pve and tier set bonuses are also part of pvp.
The comment I responded too was just about numbers, which again can always be simply tuned instead of having a clunky designed set bonus that depends on haste, a proc, and a talent to feel good.
Season two was great for both.
Simple yet impactful
it wasnt great for pve, only for pvp. honestly you have a better chance getting s3 unnerfed for pvp then s2 being buffed to pve
the numbers would have to be buffed to 300% of its values rn for it to be competative. which is frankly un realistic
Who cares about numbers between seasons.
Ilv will be higher in s4 anyway.
Season 2 design in s4 will be higher than s3 just from ilv.
So what matters is design.
And the more simpler design of s2 is the best way to go for both pvp and pve.
more ilvl doesnt change the fact s2 set for pve is only a 5% gain while s3 in pve is a 14% gain. yes it’ll be “stronger” but it still wouldnt be stronger than s3 at the same ilvl.
for pve. both tierset is as simple as it could be. dont confuse your pvp complaints for pve ones.
What does it matter if s3 is stronger at the same level unless your worried about comparing to other class specs…
The truth is that both pvp and pve use that same bonus, so the logical thing to do is to make both happy.
Pve doesn’t lose anything as long as encounters and other classes are tuned appropriately.
Pvp on the other hand has to deal with a trash set.
why are you moving the goal post? ret isnt good in general so we shouldnt get it the best possible bonus it could have next season?? thats like the weakest argument ive ever heard
i really feel for pvpers i reall do. but im not going to put myself with a trash set for a minigame with its own tuning knobs. they can simply unnerf the set for pvp instead of hoping their going to buff s2 tier 300% for pve
No point in trying to argue with that guy. Trust. A waste of time explaining what you think on deaf ears.
He doesn’t comprehend tuning or downtime within the spec.
I agree with you. Also a tier set forcing you to play a talent is bad by design even though I enjoy Expurgation.
S3 tier set is dumpster in PVP while S2 tier set was reliable DPS output. At the end of the day, it’s really just lazy to recycle tier sets for the last season and saying it’s player choice. Another illusion.
It’s not moving the goal post .
You argument is that s3 is stronger than s2 at the same level right?
What does it matter if S2 keeps us competitive against other classes and boss encounters?
how would it keep us competitive tho? our current tier is better in every aspect to the s2 one. the how cleave is weaker than the current 2pc proc. why wouldnt i want the betetr overal % that is just as simplistic?
Because it depends how OTHER classes are tuned in comparison to ret.
If our season 2 set keeps us at a competitive level with other classes in pve and pvpers are happy then it’s a win win and is the way it should be.