Hi. This is your 3KXP 3’s /3.5XP solos/ex-Mythic raider/once upon a time top 10 US M+ Ret Captain speaking. (Yes, I play most content. Posting experience to solely express I play Ret somewhere on the top-end, and my thoughts are based on the top-end issues of Ret)
Just curious when some buffs or changes will be implemented to that reworked class you guys just did… the one that is failing to perform… after some great ideas brewing in the coming rework… Ret was spit out with half-baked ideas and the same issues it suffered from. (But dude!!! It’s more convenient to play now it’s so much better now!!! Copers get out)
Fellow Rets, what’s your feedback? Surely plenty will come and say “our class is fine, hush now” but the OG high content rollers know what this is about.
We need a bigger voice on this, and I’m tired that my main class that I only want to play is still gunned down in PVP/PVE post rework.
(It took 2 weeks after rework patch before endless nerfs until we ended up where we started) (lol UDK, DH, BM 4 weeks in now current patch where they at doe? ((still the best specs PVP/PVE by landslide))
(Wait, this just in!!! Rogue and DH are busted OP post rework. Where are the drastic changes? The overdone nerfs? The cries from the bleachers? GIGAKEK!!! No one cares when the dual-wielding leather emo boys dab on everyone!?!? Okay in seriousness, don’t need to nerf those classes to oblivion but bring the bottom end up, release the shackles placed upon us)
Class bias, you say? No, I truly aim to be objective and want to be competitive while enjoying my class. I don’t desire Ret to be a rework monstrosity. (Ret/UDK/DH/Rogue)
Here’s some ideas for one of the most popular specs in the game that is currently a wounded, maimed, dying animal:
- How about some reverts on our kit nerfs in PVP? Writing a list of spells would be writing down every ability we have. It’s insane considering the output of other classes right now.
- Revisit both our class and spec trees? Get rid of bland and choiceless, instead breathe life into the trees! (Proof = Rogue/DH rework) Can I get a “Guardian of the Ancient Kings” return? Capstones with meaning?
- Help change the disparity between choosing AOE/ST and not be a wet noodle when doing one or the other? (Ret is near the bottom in raid/PVP scenarios, and while M+ is a kinder story, the struggle resets on Tyrannical keys due to the AOE/ST issue)
- Create damage outside of Wings!!! If we were nerfed because of burst strength, then give us sustain. Ideas? Pandemic on Expurgation? Radiance burn DOTs? “Think Mark, think!” Seals??
- Create mobility or breakers for the class (Steed of garbage is bad) (Emancipation, Pursuit of Justice, real long Arm of the Law, we literally sit endless root/CC while survival/HPS is gutted and are supposed to just be okay) The class was reworked cause it was getting slaughtered in PVP and it still is. (Locks top fragging DPS while passive HPS is half your DPS) Hybrids outhealed by mages and locks? Huh???
- Tier??? LOL underperforming garbage. Y’all ain’t revising that obviously, so make it mean something in all content. (Add Expurgation w/ Pandemic effect like BFA as 2-set reward?)
- Honor talents? Nerfed into borderline useless Lumin, Aura of Reck, Judge Dispel all gutted and removed Veng Aura??? Huh??? Let’s remove dead ones (Ret Aura Res rofl) and add useful ones, possibly revert some changes? Different aura against different comps?
- Auras… a sensitive topic. My opinion you ask surely? They all suck safe for Devotion of course. New Ret Aura incentivizes taking heavy damage to activate a buff? That’s what we came up with after the last one no one liked? Instead give useful auras based on spec and make raids and groups want to bring your spec! Any paladin can bring Devo or Ret Aura. Provide specs a need to be desired.
- Blessings! Here’s my legendary idea most would agree with. Bring back blessings and spec-based. Might = Ret, Kings = Prot, Wisdom = Holy. Remove dead tree talents (so many of those) shove these bad boys in and create a desire for certain specs in different content. Just an idea and to help bring class fantasy back.
- Dare I say… Seals? Many ways to bring them in, providing light utility in various situations and possibly provide a more satisfying gameplay loop that is desperately needed. Also a way to provide additional DPS without compromising the spec. (Wishful thinking on Seals, Blessings, and Auras but I nonetheless will express my ideas for a better tomorrow)
- Consecration… Bad design for Prots, useless for Rets, why not try and help it? Allow it to slowly follow you or stick to character? Provide additional benefits to Ret? AOE healing for Holy?
- Ret Mastery? It’s objectively worse than Vers. Improve, change… not only bland but it’s a reason why Ret is suffering.
- Also, the legendary axe doesn’t change what is fundamentally wrong with the spec, and it won’t be the gap closer Ret needs to thrive and exist.
That’s it for now but more to come my brethren.
Agree or disagree? Don’t care. Post about it. Botched rework needs to be saved by the light and it is our duty.
I speak from the heart and despite your opinions on the matter, let us be civil and kind to each other Paladins. We are brothers of the Crusade. We all want the same thing even if we do not yet know it. Do not attack each other. We must unify!
Speak out. Share your views with respect!
Together we can make Ret great again.