Rets, calling all rets - pvp/pve buffs? thoughts? ideas?

Nah, every healer has a physical stun. Bear Bash, Chastise, Leg Sweep, Lightning Lasso, Deep Breath, and Tail Sweep. Every dps has a physical stun…

… except Paladins.

For better or worse, as the game currently stands, Paladins are dated on this mechanic as well.

Paladins, much like Hunters’ Traps, should be given a choice node to change HoJ to a physical spell or stay as is;

Fist of Justice
Passive 1/1
Each Holy Power spent reduces the remaining cooldown on Hammer of Justice by 2 sec.


Burden of Guilt
Replaces Hammer of Justice 1/1
20 yard range - 45 sec cooldown
Fill your target with doubt and remorse, stunning them for 4 sec.

Either every healer/dps needs an option for a physical stun or the game needs to start making other stuns magical so there’s more of an even balance, or like mentioned before, Paladins need some form of backlash mechanic.


To add, they could give a punishment for dispelling the stun, maybe call the talent “retribution to the unjust”, either with damage or they get the remaining stun’s duration for dispelling the stun.


Yeah, it just has to be good enough to account for things like Spell Reflect, Grounding Totem, Cloak of Shadows and Nether Ward.

A magical stun still has those counters, along with being dispelable by every healer, so imo, the punishment should take that into consideration.

Dispeling a stun I had to potentially outplay someone to land, should pack a punch.


If normal crusader strike had the potential to do 50k average damage and a Templar strike could do average of 80k, more players would use them. Because they do so little damage now is why CCAA are popular. Make casted CC/TS worth pressing, dont nerf the default choice that is also weak, just convenient.


I wasnt even going to mention the hybrid/self healing Ret doesnt have in pvp but you touched on some healing talents that are too bad to take. Players are hitting 200k+ crits on player enemies and WoG a FoL heal for like 15k-30k. It is a total waste of time usually to try to delay your death with self healing as Ret, and at this point it feels an intentional design feature. RET isnt a hybrid in pvp, and you oom in pve if you try to heal much so, basically just a ranged warrior with less mobility, no disarm, no mortal strike, no spell reflect, who cant remove other players defensives.


What’s strong in CSAA is not the damage in itself.
It’s the passive generation that makes us do more spenders.

Over 5min I get 143 melee attacks which means 71 HP.
Over the same time lapse I’d use CS 20 times, which means 20 HP and get 172 melees.

Purely damage wise, CS is already ahead because of the interaction with Seal of the crusader if you add up melees+seal+CS VS CSAA AND the fact that you can put 1 talent point elsewhere which further reduces the gap.
Using CS I’m 1,8k DPS behind CSAA on ST (on 165kish), it’s not that much to claw back considering I’m using a lesser form CS.

But the generation is way ahead, the only way to nerf CSAA is to reduce the attack speed even more whilst maybe increasing it’s damage per hit so it’s a net 0 in pure damage output.

On the other side you change/buff TS to come up with similar damage (it’s doable and it ain’t that complicated).


How’s this for a unique buff.

New pvp talent.

Aura of Faith: Healing reduction effects are 50% less effective. Does not apply to damp.

Healing reduction are rampant with no checks. Would be nice to monopolize it


ts/cs is only 2% behind. i can assure you that if your not playing around csaa then the difference is smaller
raidbots com/simbot/report/4EZhPpsmR6zAG25VN6CD1e

its not that much of a pigeon hole. like at all?


Rets damage feels like we are still in last pacht.


Is Searing Light ever taken in pve? Looks like it might work in m+ scenarios?

I tested it on dummies and quite honestly the proc rate is just abysmal, I doubt it’s ever taken in pve as well but I could be wrong.

A very minor tweak like rephrasing it to “whenever you deal Radiant damage” to make it affect dots like expurgation could see it proc a lot more often.

I’m running short wings and have no issue getting 170k fv consistently. I had a 212k fv in bgblitz the other day on a mage. We’re doing good except we have a trash tier set this season.

It’s not button bloat. It is in fact a terrible set bonus. Ret is in a good place in pvp and needs more cleave or single target respectively that doesn’t take away from other in pve.

It is in M+ since it’s part of the AoE build.

I don’t know that it doesn’t already.
There’s another reason why the proc rate seems bad.

Searing light has a 5% proc rate AND an internal CD of 15sec.
(Personally I dislike a proc also having a CD, it heavily devalues haste from it)

So in AoE it’ll proc more or less on CD depending on talents taken.

Would be nice that the CD isn’t triggered if it hits only 1 target.
It would help the ST damage of the AoE build.

Tested it for a while, it only procs when you cast divine storm, woa, or the initial consecration cast.

Didn’t know it has a cd, tested on a bunch of stacked dummies and it seems to proc once a minute or 45 seconds.

It does say “abilities” in the tooltip.
Probably only is the initial hit yeah.

I think it’s a bit north of 2 a min if you go full AOE.
But yeah, no procs for 15sec after getting one just feels bad.
On Tyran week I sometime drop it out of spite to take DA.

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you also have to keep in mind, that searing light gains extremes amount of strength if you have more than 5 targets. your tank shouldnt be pulling 5 mobs at a time when you can easily handle 15. with con being uncapped you can really gain alot of sl procs

Our season 2 tier set is my preferred set bonus. While I don’t particularly enjoy any of our tier sets, making HoW feel impactful, hard hitting, and cleave saved that season for me.

Our season 3 tier set is nice for M+ but really lackluster everywhere else. Does almost nothing for ST and the 4 set just sucks. I really love Expurgation and wish they copied BFA’s version. Alas, the solution to our poor performing ST could have been found in our tier…

I’ll be real disappointed if we end up with S3 tier again without any major balancing or revisiting the talent tree.


our current tier is 14% gain overal while season 2 tier set is 6% overal gain. please dont spread misinfo especially right now

Numbers can be tuned. Season 3 is unfun clunkiness.


if you honestly believe given blizzards current trackrecord with ret. that they will tune s2 tier set. then your just setting yourself up for failure.

they will have to buff the how and judgement damage to 50% and the crit damage to 60% and it still wont be competative with our current tier

also the tier is not clunky??? its literally our rotation??? keep boj on cd and judgement??? how is that clunky?