CC is the way of the coward. Paladins fight with honor and glory, not underhanded tactics such as “CC”.
As a glorious warrior of light, you should gracefully help break your enemies free of such foul trickery. We roll our faces across our keyboards and let fate decide the outcome, as the Light intended. Not use “tactics” or “strategy”.
Zug zug on my friend, zug zug on, for the Horde had the right idea all along.
I can deal with being the only melee with dispellable CC, being the only melee with dispellable defensives, being the only melee without Z-axis movement on Mugambala, being the only melee without purge or MS in 2s, having the weakest slow in game, and always being the kill target.
But allowing a NE Hunter to Shadowmeld Camouflage and literally walk away from me because I have 2 Holy Power and am the only Melee without the ability to hit an AoE button…
The line has got to be drawn somewhere!!!
I like this guy.
Okay, now you lost me.
Looks like this thread needs to come back.
The amount of bugs that need to be fixed in our talents/honor talents/hero talents is disgusting.
How this went live is insane.
I’ve come to Nero this post as is it still relevant. I do not Mythic raid or lead the pack in the highest of M+. What I do is enjoy or suffer from whatever pvp design and tuning imbalance exists. Lately the former as I have been willing to reroll off of Ret in early Dragonflight.
Pvp perspective. I’ve played Ret as a main many expansions but not TWW, but I have tested it on Beta some and fought against it in pvp often enough to have opinions on its performance.
Some Ret players are able to perform to a mediocre level, even though design and tuning currently does not favor Ret at all.
The main reasons I cannot consider playing Ret are.
It is tuned to output much less damage, healing, and has less effective CCs compared to other specs. That matters in pvp as it is not a team effort Vs AI normally, facing better tuned and designed to do the pvp job specs as a choice would be handicapping myself.
The design disparity comes from others having what Ret lacks like, MS, Knockbacks, Disarms, Instant mobility, multiple CCs that dont instantly break to damage, multiple CCs that don’t cleanses enemies DoTs, Multiple CCs that are instant cast, invisability, area denial, silences, dispells.
Specs that are not a Paladin also do not have Forbearance, a punishment for using a defensive. This is a problem because Rets main defensives are long cooldowns removed early by short cooldown dispells. A otherwise good defensive removed early from a dispell cannot be replaced with another due to Forbearance until a while after the Ret is dead.
A unique to Paladin issue remains where if anyone receives a BoP from a paladin, the same paladin cannot Blessing of Spellwarding anyone for 4 or 5 minutes, and a thematically incorrect problem exists where BoP can remove or prevent physical stuns, but its magical counterpart Blessing of Spellwarding wards 0 spells that are CC. Even if BoS lack of interaction with magical CC is intended, it makes no sense to have that be intended.
Lastly, paladin as a whole class has WoG tuned very poorly in pvp, and it costing both holy power and mana is a feel bad situation every time it is pressed. WoGs shortcomings are not reduced by using Flash of light instead. There are no talent combinations that make FoL or WoG heal for adequate amounts.
With all of these design shortcomings, while Ret is also tuned less than favorable to do damage, I cannot consider playing the spec in PVP.
As a bonus, Templar was temporarily doing ok damage, but Blizzard hot fixed it so now you can press Hammer of Light 80% less often. Fun detected, HoL was doing what the tool tip said it should do.
Yeah, Templar felt like a real hero talent tree when you built HP back to 5 to spend within a window of time after Wake of Ashes.
It made too much sense. Had to go.
This is what makes no sense to be. I think it used to just cost mana at one point did decent healing but u went oom fast. This change makes it so its a weak heal plus u go oom if u spam.too much.
BfA word of glory started overtuned at 2 charges 1min cd. Ended up getting nerfed so everyone went back to selfless healer.
WoG right noe still has the mana tax. You would expect, it its ginna cost both HP AND MANA that wog moved healthbars… but it doesnt at all
no it didnt make sense at all, it made 3/4th of the hero tree irrelevant and devlued our main spenders even more.
if it was made a feature then HOL would be nerfed to allow it to be spammed.
You never cease to have the most garbage takes anywhere you post on the forum.
There are MORE talents in the Templar tree that benefit HoL which would encourage the ability, not the opposite. I understand that might be difficult to comprehend for you.
Herald is horrendously better than Templar and the “bug” made Templar relevant, competitive, and different than the DF snoozefest rotation which it currently is.
Anyone with a sensible mind would rather tuning to a HoL rotation than it being a mediocre spender every 30s. The latter could be the case for simpletons who need Ret to be brainless though, that might be where you’re coming from.
You are delusional and having any sort of opinion when you don’t push any relevant content where that information is based, is useless.
He’s an @$$ and you’re not the first, second or third person to call him out on this.
how many times do me and others have to explain this to yall, ill be nice and explain it again. inb4 i get replies like “its tunninggggg”
lights guidence, has no implication that hol is supposed to be castable permantely within a 12 second window. other specs have this wording and its always been " you use it once and its gone, but you can only use it within this amount of time"
zealous vindication becomes ridiculously op because your casting hol in mass, making about 5 empyrean hammers fall on your target every few seconds. which is about a 300% etra ap ontop of the 580 HOL has.
for whom, the bell toll: because of the increase of empy hammers, this talent becomes utterly irrelevant and pointless. why have the choice node
shake the heavens: becomes pointless because instead of having hammers every 2 seconds for 8 seconds, you effectively have hammers spawning forever. thus leading to empy hammer being nerfed to compstate. again this talent becomes pointless and op instead of being the actual window to try and extend
wrathful descent also becomes passive and op, because now you have a 5% dr forever on a spec thats already immortal
highercalling: becomes pointless cause shake the heavens lasts forever anyways, so theres nothing to extend
sacrosanct crusade, becomes passive and op cause your spamming hol and thus getting a TON of heals, and more nbarrier if you overheal. so again it has no purpose because it becomes passive and up 100% of the time
endless wrath becomes irrelevant and sanctification becomes op cause your spawmming hol and empy hammer, thus getting extreme amps on judgement. thus leading to it being nerfed to irrelevancy
hammer fall: becomes irrelevant because again empyr hammer is up all the time and your discouraged from using spenders because your saving hopo to use on HOL
undisputed ruling: becomes irrelevant and op and passive cause you have a perma 12% haste buff.
lights deliverance becomes EXTREMELY pointless, because instead of rewarding you with utlizing your highercalling and shake the heavens to get more empy to spawn another hol you can use, you just have hol all the time.
this last talent, is the reason why we know that hol isnt supposed to be spammable.
idk why you guys hate burst damage and want us to be a flat line spec, flat line specs like outlaw is just not wanted in any type of content
herald and templar are the same in pve, if this is a pvp thing then idc. pvp hol needs buffs and empy hammer needs to stop hitting poeoples pets or totems. thats it
thats unironic cause this bug literally made ret more brainless,. cause your just spamming hol without any care of your windows with higher calling or any other spenders or spender addition.
and yet, your the one posting on a level 10 alt? like yall like to io card and stuff when you have no argument. im sorry ret isnt easy enough for you to play while jacking it. im sorry that you can thrive in pvp without some spec breaking bug to hold your hand, im sorry your so bad htat you need these crutches to touch blue parse
Ya having to sacrifice damage to heal should make the heal impactful. Even has herald its really low and only means to barely get by in a 1v1 of that person already used their burst. Any other situation and it doesnt make a difference.
Kumdonia-Illidan, R1 M+/Multi-Glad
I can’t be asked to read more of your nonsensical, unpunctuated, scrambled, bottom-feeder thoughts.
pvp, no wonder you think this bug was good. literally no thoughts behind those eyes. you rather the spec suffers completely in every aspect cause you do big numbies in arena
It’s ironic because I posted those thoughts about him in this very thread months ago. KEKW
i wonder when “solo shuffle” became actual content
I’d be upset too if I spend my life on forums about a game I sucked at.
You seemed to missed how I’m R1 in PvE but want to talk about PVP?
Go back to LOTR cosplay king.
There’s a reason no one likes you.
You seemed to missed how I’m R1 in PvE but want to talk about PVP?
except your not r1 in pve, your rank 3000. and your barely purple parse on heroic and thats post ret buff.
its funny how you only start playing ret after times it becomes stupid op. like in s1 post rework and s3 post legendary and wake buff. funny even. being a fotmer is good business i guess