I’m not super concerned about any particular class being dominant for a time. I’m old enough to remember a ton of different classes being dominant at different points in time. The meta is constantly shifting and no king reigns forever. Today is Paladin’s time in the sun, tomorrow it may be someone else. If their dominance is too great compared to other classes then Blizzard will nerf it. Business as usual.
I never really concern myself too much with the meta. I’m going to perform well as Feral within my own environment in my guild regardless. No matter how the meta shifts, it’s never stopped me from being one of the most valuable members of my raid team. Having your class be in a good spot is nice, but player skill has always been the most influential part of your contributions to your group no matter what you play. So I choose to focus that factor as unlike the meta, I have complete control over it and it won’t change season by season.
Nah. Ragemode doesnt talk if his specs is on top. But he would be everywhere when he cant make his specs on top… while other players playing his specs were doing fine.
In my mind, that’s kinda what class balance should be.
Bring the others up to the level of the decently performing specs, rather than lowering everyone down.
It’s a much better design philosophy, results in a more fun game.
That’s not really the best way to balance a game. While we certainly want every spec to be at around the same performance level, that level is determined by the difficulty of the end-game content, not by whoever happens to be the top spec.
Blizzard designs their content with a certain level of difficulty in mind. If one spec is performing such that it makes the content easier than Blizzard intended, then that spec should be brought down rather than bringing every other spec up to the same level and making the game as a whole trivial. It’s much easier to tune the single outlier than it is to tune every other spec and the buff dungeon/raid difficulty to compensate.
The internet has muddle my ability to sense sarcasm, you’re being serious right? It looks pretty even to me with the #1 spot only being around 10% “better” than the last spot. Makes me confident to really just pick a spec that I enjoy playing and jump into m+ if i wanted to
That’s why it results in a funner game if you design that way.
The game is only really fun when you’re blowing through content and feel like a god. This is why WoTLK and Legion pre-Ilvl scaling were so good.
Ilvl scaling is the worst cancer that has ever been inflicted on this game.