Retribution Paladin is top of the DPS charts over every other class and so is Protection Paladin

since wrath. ret’s been paying for that since like 2009/2010 lol.

and in the redo they were weak too. technically their op moment was to come in toc/icc. it got a small buff before that somewhat recently…so now both versions have grrr…ret pally threads.

Kind of funny that.

hey retail devs…classic gave feral some love. Hint hint…feral needs love too.

plds reign supreme. ret deserve this after the early day nonsense. was so bad man lol
itsy their time to shine so reroll or step aside


As a Rogue I disagree.
Every spec has defensives and self healing, we are ALL hybrids now.

Let the Rets have their time to shine, in the history of WoW no other spec has been mocked, excluded and ridiculed like Rets have so let them have this.

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You’re kidding right?

Ret pallys have been easy mode dps since patch 3.0. Occasionally they fall to middle tier for half a patch before Blizz buffs them into the stratosphere.

They are now currently past the stratosphere and have entered orbit around Saturn.

Meanwhile I can count on one hand the number of times Enhance shaman has been viable in this game, and still have enough fingers to hail a cab.

Ret Paladin has been middle to bottom tier, in every single tier, since 4.0.


Oh, well then, by all means, tell me when Ret has been the “go to” spec in the M+ championship,

Or the Raiding World First,

If they have been so good since 3.0 why have they been snubbed all this time?
Surely if they have been so awesome they had to be in high demand.

What, no?

Ya, thought not.

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Ret is not “performing well”, it is broken at the moment. Other classes eat underserved nerfs because they get close to melee damage, yet ret is allowed to continue being far better than they ever were.

It is not “good” in PvP, it is so brokenly overpowered that it is game breaking. Ret is ruining PvP for all non rets ATM. Warriors aren’t much better.

Blizzard say a lot of things, they are not always correct.

Given that this is a matter of opinion, and THEY are the developers, they are right. Sorry, not sorry.

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Bad take. They also said shadowlands was a good expansion and covenants, domination sockets and conduit energy in were great systems.

They are not always right. Often they’re aren’t in recent history.

“WAHHHHHHHHH” is all I’m hearing from this.


Bad logic. All of those are ALSO opinions. You not agreeing with them does not make them wrong, it just means you don’t agree. Your arrogance is on full display, and all I can say is I’m glad you’re NOT a developer. I wouldn’t play your game if you paid me.

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Except they cannot do both at the same time, it’s one or the other AND their shield can be broken by at least 2 classes.


Wow 2 whole classes! I guess that makes it OK to global people while invulnerable if 2 WHOLE classes can sometimes break the bubble.

Warlocks should be able to global people with a 2mil chaos bolt, because it has a long cast time and can be kicked by every class in the game, right? Mages should be able to global people with a massive glacial spike WHILE iceblocked etc

Warlocks can also slow people down, fear them, fear them again and then get a cast off that can only be interrupted when melee is in melee range or by a shaman.

There are situations for everything and counters for everything, much like the whole deal with convoke being too strong, but no one was interrupting it, people just need to learn how to play and get around other classes strong abilities.

And if you can’t, you are just bad.

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Pallies can judge people, long stun them etc while doing ludicrous instant damage, and then go immune and continue doing damage.

But it’s ok, 2 classes in the game can break the bubble. Far more than 2 classes can break or dispel fear, but apparently that’s different and wrong.

Sounds to me that you just need to learn to PVP.


I wonder. If we post the logs of very specific data if it would cause an uproar.

Context: Mythic Kurog Max Percentile over the course of 1 day.

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For 18 years Paladins have been a joke.

For less a month they are doing rather well - and everyone has lost their minds.

AND what they are experiencing now was scaled down considerably from PTR!! Could you imagine if we got PTR Ret?!

Anyway, don’t worry, Blizzard has traditionally and thoroughly crapped all over Paladins. They will get to nerfs sooner or later.

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A tank getting one shot is a player issue, not a ret issue. Idiot

How unnecessarily obnoxious. I mained feral in DF Season 1, SL Seasons 3 and 4, and mained a mix of mage/rogue/feral going back earlier through BFA. My role on our M+ group lately is battle rez so in figuring out what to play next patch I’ve put a fair amount of time into Ret, DK, and Warlock to be on top of “is there a better battle rezzer for our comp.” I’m not above calling for nerfs on any of them when warranted.

If I was the kind of player who just wanted the other guy nerfed so I could top a meter I’d be calling for DPS nerfs and frankly despite Ret being top overall I think it’s better to let them have their time in the sun. But their defensives are insane, and defensively, they should have more relative parity with other classes.

We saw destruction but moreso survival hunter absolutely busted in M+ for season 3 and somewhat season 4 despite rounds of nerfs. Seems wierd that you’d use that as the example considering it was terrible for the game. But this isn’t a discussion about damage nerfs - Ret damage is top, but it’s not top by an overwhelming amount that requires it to be lowered.

This is like saying “shadowpriests should always be top DPS and completely unkillable because they dont have a real interrupt, a sheep equivalent, an aoe stop, and they walk slow.” You know thats a dumb argument.

The kind of mobility trade off it would take to balance Ret alternating between SoV and DP every 30 seconds would basically involve them permanently RP walking. With double divine donkey Ret has some of the best burst movement out there and with Freedom they’re basically immune to slow.

Meta’s don’t change overnight. Ret representation in keys over 25+ has increased by more than 500% in the past 2 weeks and they’re already running +28’s. They will likely have gone from one of the lowest melee to 4th by the end of this reset. The main hurdle for Ret becoming meta in M+ right now is not that they’re not already better than Enhance / Outlaw / Havoc, it’s that Prot Paladin is already Meta and Holy Paladin was in the running.

Considering Resto Shaman is flying it’s way towards the top as the dominant healer for 28+'s the last two weeks, thats probably going to spell trouble for Enhance, which means there will be an opening for a new meta DPS, and in non-Prot Pally tank groups, Ret is one of the strongest contenders.

Likewise, Meta’s don’t change overnight in Raids either. For your incorrect assertation about Rasz, adjust your Warcraftlogs filter to 1 week.

Again - nothing wrong with being top DPS. That comes and goes and Ret deserves some time at the top. The defensive disparity between Ret and everyone else is the issue.