Retribution Paladin is top of the DPS charts over every other class and so is Protection Paladin

If you say so. Personally I prefer my games to actually require me to make decisions and demonstrate skill. Blowing through everything with no effort becomes boring very quickly.



I don’t recall the being this good since WotLK. Why shouldn’t they be #1 for some time?

Also no Protadin is # 3


Someone has to be top. So who should it be? You? Thats ok but not ret? Whys that?


Shocking and illogical but welcomed. A Mage defending Paladin damage.

We are now brothers in arms. Excelsior!


And here’s the start of it. Good work guys! You done did it! We had 2 weeks of being good in pve.


I’ve just read your response and frankly it’s so incorrect I just don’t want to be bothered to give a full response.

Stop looking at dps charts they are useless and you clearly don’t understand them.

I hate Blizzard

And this is only due to the way execution sentence double dips on the shield. Execution sentence damage is determined by the damage you do. The original damage gets the buff, then execution sentence gets buffed again when it is applied. This has been hot-fixed as of today. Try looking at the rest of the raid instead of cherry picking bugged fights.

All jokes aside these nerfs are minor


honestly same exact boat lmao except before i hardly tolerated anything

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Yup, my level of tolerance for the classes-specs was also kinda on the ‘hardly’ side also
Glad to see I’m not the only one lol

Good. Good riddance.

Ahm,where’s the proc tank on the s chart since it involves them too.

Or maybe you could read the thread you’re replying too.

From the first post in this sidebar…

Rasz is mentioned because it is the key prog fight. Ret has been going back and forth with Survival for the top spot on Terros (our patchwork measure of who has the best ST in the game) and Broodkeeper and has been solidly holding the overall highest DPS spot (all bosses - the opposite of cherry picking) for the past week.

Again, Ret having the top DPS spot doesn’t really matter. Having twice the defensive kit of everyone else – that’s quite the issue. That’s the part that ought to be addressed.

Edit: and it looks like Blizz was thinking the same thing I was when I said…

While I think leaving Ret’s self-sustain and simply increasing the CD of either DP or SoV would’ve been more in line with other specs, it looks like Blizzard has decided to gut self-sustain by targeting Blessing of Dusk. Not sure that makes a ton of sense since the guilty party was that every 30sec a major defensive was ready, but its a start. I guess we’ll see if it brings them back down to earth.

And yet you responded anyway. Enjoy the nerfs my friend, I suspect more are coming.

Despite any and all nerfs, Retribution Paladins are, and will remain . . .

The Greatest of All Living Things. ™

I thought these logs represented not only dps but how many ppl play the class and specs at the time?

I dont really understand the rankings, ive always played pally. Mostly prot up until this xpack where i was forced out for the other tanks terrible girlfriend to take my spot so i had to learn ret.

I got the hang of it pre patch. It was infuriating to play at first bc i didnt understand it at all. I was complete garbage. I got the hang of it and wasnt bad at all. We then got patched and it was a lot easier to digest and my dmg was good. Now its getting nerfed.

Its fun to play for sure. Most ret pallies i know are very good and lifers. I dont see why they dont just leave it alone and look at other classes to see what makes them lacking. Ret feels pretty good and honestly all the work they put in is meaningless.

I get pvp…that was really broken. Definately warranted a change. When other classes sit at the top for weeks they dont mess with them…i don’t get it.

If anyone can explain this id appreciate it.