Because it’s a hybrid class. Pure DPS specs should always outperform Hybrid classes DPS specs. Especially considering how strong pallies are generally.
It is a dps spec. Class and spec aren’t the same thing. Good grief, this was settled over a decade ago.
You posted this as if it were a problem. Someone has to be top dps.
I would always rather the top dps to be a spec that wa struggling before… things go in cycles.
whats important is overall balance and utility,
Yes, and it should never by a hybrid class. The top DPS spots should always be taken by classes that ONLY have DPS specs.
Pallies are beyond broken at the moment unfortunately, however for some reason they’re immune to over the top knee-jerk nerfs that most everyone else has to put up with.
All I see is that it’s a good time to be a warlock in PvE.
Completely… and utterly disagree.
hybrid or no… all specs should have an equal chance of being balanced and good.
Being non-hybrid, you simply have a higher chance that one of the specs are good, and you are more likely to have a better dps spread across more types of encounters if you choose to switch specs based on per encounter.
That is why total dps per spec across a raid is actually a bit misleading… you should take the top dps for your class(across specs) for every encounter per boss and average it all up.

Because it’s a hybrid class. Pure DPS specs should always outperform Hybrid classes DPS specs. Especially considering how strong pallies are generally.
So when Ret Pallies are at the top of the charts, it is unfair because they are a Hybrid class even though they are in DPS spec?
Or simpler, a DPS Ret Pally should never be top of any DPS chart in PvP because it makes other classes look bad.

Because it’s a hybrid class. Pure DPS specs should always outperform Hybrid classes DPS specs.
Nope. Blizzard does not agree with this, and stated they should have never said that.
Ok so what if they are too dps. Warlocks have had it, bm hunter has had it, rogue has had it, even frost dis are up there now. Let the sparkle fairies have their fun.
I mean, It did matter because they survived everything. You could go directly to fifteen keys day one with ease.
Other tanks couldn’t say that without gearing first. It did matter somewhat. Now that everyone’s caught up it doesn’t matter at all.
Nope, this thing you’re talking about here has been talked through and taken care of many years ago. If this is what you’re looking for, you’re meant to be playing classic. The Hybrid Tax is a relic, should have never existed in the first place and Blizzard did well to remove it. You don’t want ret to perform well, like back in classic? Well guess what, they didn’t, by a huge margin. And why? Because they could hard-cast Flash of Light?
What you’re forgetting is that in today’s modern version of the game, every class and every spec has access to much greater utility/healing/survivability/etc. than they’re willing to admit to so that you mages can stick to your “but muh pure dps” argument.
Ret is performing well for the first time since ICC, and we’ve only had the patch for like 2 weeks! It’s really sad to see you all gang up on a spec that historically has been memed on. Everyone should get a shot.

I’m not DPSing if I’m healing, and that healing isn’t that strong either.
In general, in what universe is ret pally not “strong?” The amount of nerfs they had to give you-- just to bring you to this point-- is crazy, and they aren’t even done balancing you yet… The fact is, the spec should have never gone live as it is, and we all know that.
And here come the complaints from people because they cannot fathom Ret being #1 in anything in this game.
Forgot to say my points are based on PVE, I have not pvp’d in ages and I don’t know firsthand what’s going on over there.
Well, we cannot have that nonsense!
Nerf DHs!
It’s like this every expansion. A few / one classes dominate. Blizzes balancing isn’t the best but they do what they can.
Pallets will be nerfed soon enough.
Bubble, Plate, Heals, baby!
I love my Ret, but the “To the ground” moment is coming.
P.S.: “Hybrid tax” should have never gone away. It existed for a reason which will always remain valid unless every spec is the same in terms of capabilities, which in turn would probably make for a boring game.
LOL ok so so far we have two mages pumping for hybrid tax…anyone else want to chime in? Can we get a third mage?
Another on of those balance changes. Just reroll instead of crying about it. Its not like its anything new with how these changes work.
I’m happy to see pink on top for a change. Can’t comment on PvP because I stopped doing it awhile ago, but I really love the PvE changes.