No problem, as long as it’s made impossible for any pure dps spec to heal even 1hp at any time. They can eat out of combat or get healed by a healer but they get absolutely NO self heals.
I don’t believe in the hybrid tax. Pure dps can eat Retribution’s dust. Second place is the first loser.
Sure I’ll chime in. Im in arcane mage and we have been a meme for much longer than ret pally. Nerf to the ground I say! Ret pally may not have been number one in a long time but its been serviceable for as long as I can remember. Also im pretty pissy that you guys are on like your 4th rework. Mage hasnt been torched since beta and our numbers are plummeting. There is a reason that every guild seems to be down to just 1, maybe 2 raiding mages. No buns for you guys anymore.
The problem with Ret is not really their damage (even if they are trading with Survival for the top spot on Terros, are far and away the top spot on Rasz, and are basically at or near the top of every other fight regardless of damage profile).
Everyone deserves time at the top, let 'em have it.
But the defensives?
When a class is head and shoulders above Rogue in defensives, something is very wrong.
Every DPS spec in the game is forced to pick two of: Immunities, Self-sustain, and Defensives… Except Ret.
Which has all three.
Frankly if they’re going to have huge passive healing, huge passive absorbs, lay on hands, bubble for you and bubble for me, a contingency heal as a ghetto cheat death, then the CD’s on Shield of Vengeance and Divine Protection need to be seriously reevaluated.
Giving them both SoV and DP was a massive survivability improvement. Giving them both at the same time on a 1 minute cooldown ontop of every else plus a large stamina increase is absolutely inexplicable.
Arcane was top mage spec the same time Ret was last good; ICC.
“Servicable” is bs because pally has no other dps options while you could have still gone fire or frost and been meta every season and expansion in between. If you didn’t, good for you, but don’t pretend it’s the same, much less act like it’s worse.
Ret got ZERO rework in pre-patch/beta, ZERO feedback, so I can’t even imagine where you’re dreaming up 4 reworks. Are you talking about putting us on holy power in Cata, etc? Are you pretending there have been no arcane changes since ICC?
The entire mage community has been yelling really loudly for years. It hasnt worked. You might have also seen the part of my post where i was upset about blizzard doing a 4th rework of pally (Also s priest and druid I believe) while some classes are languishing in the dumpster. Do i honestly care that ret is currently on top? Not really. The fact that blizzard has devoted so many reworks to get it their when it didnt seem all that bad to start with is a bit disturbing to say the least. This is especially true since all that reworking has apparently tapped blizzard out since the latest from Ion is that there will be no more massive overhauls now that pally is done.
Well we got a rework in legion which was awesome. We then kept getting reworked into the ground from legion until now in 2 year intervals at the start of an expo. And like i said nothing against ret pallies, but the whole “we only have one dps spec you shoulda just swapped” doesnt mean much to me. The mage specs play so differently you might as well swap another class entirely. And yes, id take being mid to upper mid pack most expos to being dogwater if your not fire every other tier because they somehow break it and every flavor reroller plays it for a bit. Because let’s be real, when you say meta your essentially talking about fire mage exclusively lol.
It’s Broodkeeper and Ras that are carrying them. Broodkeeper is sustained cleave around 5 targets which Ret is very good at, and Ras has p2 damage buff which Ret’s CDs line up for every single time. It’s not like they are blowing everyone away on every boss, middle on some, top on some.
From what I understand the Prelates fought during the first rising of Hakkar, which is way, way before the humans even broke from the Vry’kul. You even can find his avatar’s cadaver actually deposited on the top of Mount Mugamba, where the Prelates left it. The Caste system likewise is pretty rigid and has been a thing for at least as long as the Zandalari have had an Empire.
As for Mathias, I think the fact is that humans always considered Trolls as savages and not really intelligent. Look how they disregarded the Orcs to their detriment in the First War, and how Abbendis disputed Zabra Hexx being ‘capable’ of comprehending the Light.
You make good arguments as usual Airc, but my thoughts are that it was more of a case that they never really encountered the Zandalari until they came to assist with Hakkar’s return, so they had no reason to assume otherwise.
I think it was referenced somewhere in the Dazar’alor Mythic. If I find it again I will definitely post it for you. There’s a lot of small tidbits in the Kings Rest and other places you can visit in BFA, that aren’t noticeable but if you click on them give really cool lore info.
I remember a friend of mine who is hyper gung-ho about Trolls gushing about it and Xibala being in game. I didn’t even realize the site was a giant T-Rex till I flew up really high and went “Holy… crap. THIS was Rezan’s mum?”
Sorry I don’t have more info. A lot of this info I have is second hand, so while I could be wrong; my friend is usually right when it deals with Troll stuff. So if I am actually wrong, or you don’t find anything, please let me know as I’m just as curious. I could of sworn seeing something about there being some big deal about Hakkar’s first rising and that the Prelates and Rezan factored into his defeat.
Moreover, Broodkeeper is twice as long as earlier fights like Council, Terros, Sennarth, and Rasz is three times as long. Any spec which performs strongly here instantly wins the tier by proportion of encounter length.