Very true. Personally, I don’t have problems with Zandalari Prelates or whatever, I just don’t think they (Blizzard) need to constantly go and say things like “Oh, well… we never mentioned it before, but they had them all along, and for even longer!!” It’s a stupid way to tell a story and reminds me of those kids you knew in school that would always make up stuff to try to one up you. You went to Disneyland for a few days? His family went the entire month. You got a new toy? He got that toy and many others.
Unfortunately, it’s been quite a thing for a while now with Blizzard writing, with the Draenei Vindicators, the Tauren and Troll Druids, and so on. It’s like they have a problem with races picking up something new, when there is nothing wrong with that in reality.
That’s the problem. People don’t want to wait until May 2nd for pvp to be playable again.
On top of that so much damage has already been done. People who re-rolled paladin running around with their ill gotten gains from essentially robbing other players who didn’t want to take the faceroll route.
I think after these weeks people will be fine with paladins being bottom tier at everything and never care again. The downside to being grotesquely overpowered.
Weren’t the numbers posted last week Reflectent of another color, that of Purple and it had Warlock as a name? Wait, wasn’t shadow priest up there or did I misread the chart that was listed?
I’m not DPSing if I’m healing, and that healing isn’t that strong either.
Definitely not. Ret has never been brought to an MDI or AWC, barely ever to a WtWF event, and it’s not just because their damage was meh.
If you’re getting globaled, try equipping some gear instead of being naked. No ret can full heal in less than 2-3 WoG, even with a crit and Healing Hands , and those cost HP that we then aren’t using for damage.
I’m happy for Ret players. Maybe they should need a bit more quality gear before taking the number one dps spot in mythics, however. Those that do, I’m fine with.
Blood and Pally were good day one it was just Warrior was so over tuned it over shadowed everything else. And lets be honest no one ranks tanks based on actual tank things. It’s all about whose the best “4th dps”.
I found hilarious that only when Retri is at the top, people lose their minds. Everybody is going absolutely crazy in every BG I join about how overpowered it is.
I’m pretty sure Retri is going to get nerfed into oblivion soon. It’s unacceptable that the class can do something useful for more than a month.