I haven’t had this much fun playing my Dwarf Paladin in years. While I don’t do much group content, just surviving out in the world is so much easier and he seems a lot more fluid to play. Dunno, just less…clunky.
It’s a pleasant improvement.
I haven’t had this much fun playing my Dwarf Paladin in years. While I don’t do much group content, just surviving out in the world is so much easier and he seems a lot more fluid to play. Dunno, just less…clunky.
It’s a pleasant improvement.
yeah rets are really good at cleaving so yeah were gonna be high up there didnt expect number 1 though.
let them have their day in the sun. They’ve been underperforming for years now
It’s even worse when it’s a Horde Paladin that kills me. It’s like, “Hey, man. You shouldn’t even exist.”
Sooooo… what you’re saying is to buff holy Paladins.
That’s especially novel when one considers the Zandalari fielded the first Paladins on Azeroth.
Ret pallies in PvP using their powerful abilities to get revenge for all those years of being farmed…
i looked over the article i wanted to read the prot info im old an maybe i missed it but i didnt see any info for prot. just ret
We weren’t really buffed we were just always kind of strong. We were no day one dragonflight prot warrior… but strong
Comes 10.1 they will be last again
My Prot Pally is my main(actually have 2 of them) and with the new ring, with the frost,blood,and the fire stone at ilvl 424, i gained 4K dps.
Its glorious!
If there is a class that deserves it its literally Ret pally lmao. Let them have there moment
This is why Blizzard neglected making Ret really good since the end of ICC. Y’all are crying soooooo much about Paladin (minus Holy) being in a good spot and being able to keep up with the other top specs after being in the ****ing dumpster for almost a decace.
Never forget when Hpal finally got to be good in Patch 8.1 after being dogwater for all time and it was immediately nerfed to the ground in 8.2
The problem with Ret’s balance is that they tried to balance Ret around damage numbers, while ignoring the fact that it has a 10 second invulnerability window, can off-heal, and has probably the best utility of any dps spec in the game.
Where are the emergency nerfs for pallies that other classes get as soon as they are at the top for a day?
Not to mention that Ret is so broken in PVP right now that it’s ruining the experience for nearly every other class.
They shouldn’t be allowed to do ANY damage while shielded. At all. It’s a joke that ret can global you while invulnerable (and self healing to full in 1 cast).
Now let hunters do 100% damage in turtle.
To get nit-picky, we only have record of the Zandalari Prelates as a very recent addition to the Zandalari forces. The only other Zandalari mentioned in relation to Paladins were the so-called “Freethinkers” who were described as “heathens and heretics”, and who were compared to the Alliance’s Paladins in that they “weren’t afraid to die for what they believed in”, but those beliefs were never stated. They clearly weren’t Prelates, either, as the Prelates have a very high position within the Zandalari, probably just under the Priest caste, and everything said about the Freethinkers goes against what they say about the Prelates.
The fact that Mathias Shaw, the spymaster of SI:6, was surprised by the Prelate’s existence shows that they are either very new or somehow extremely secretive as to not be known about at all until that time, which is extremely unlikely. It’s more likely that Rastakhan heard about the Alliance’s Paladins and said “Pfft, we can do it better” and had his Priests find the best candidates to become Prelates.
Seeing as you guys can one shot tanks it should really be an emergency nerf that devs are ignoring. And believe me I’m seeing people quit wow all together over how much of a pvp advantage rets have
Besides, with the retcons to human lore, it’s clear that Tyr was recruiting Vrykul into his original version of the Silver Hand literal eons ago. The artifact Truthguard likely predates the entire Troll race.