Developer’s note: We recognize that movement is fun and feels good when attached to short cooldown buttons. That said, our goal for Retribution Paladin is to keep their strengths in removing things that hinder their mobility, or to charge into battle on their Divine Steed, not to give them a short duration burst of movement on a very short cooldown.
I don’t know how to start this…
We need someone to come down and talk to us, please.
Forums, Discord, interview, Q&A… anything to talk about Ret paladin specifically.
I cannot stress enough how out of touch it felt to read this.
What are the reason Ret cannot have mobiity options?
Explain them, please.
Because this paragraph here doesn’t make sense.
- It’s a video game, your whole goal is to make it fun so that more and more people can enjoy it.
In this mindset, how do you justify making it less fun on purpose?
Would giving Ret mobility hinder the fun of other players?
If so, in what capacity? - It was never a specific strength of the retribution paladin to remove things that hinder our mobility. In fact, one of the recurring critique of the spec is that it doesn’t bring anything at all that isn’t already covered by either Holy or Prot in BETTER WAYS.
We have blessing of freedom and Bubble, that’s it. Those are the only tools that frees our mobility and has been for quite a while now and they are not spec specific… And as of now we’re mostly not taking freedom from the DF class tree because the class tree is off the mark.
So the idea that it is a core strength of the spec is really catching a lot of us completely off guard. And let’s not even talk about Freedom consistency.
For those of us playing the spec everyday, this take is really hard to re-conciliate with the gameplay we are experiencing. There really seems to be a large chasm between the vision the developers have of Ret and the reality of the players.
There are ALOT of ideas and feedback around Ret on the forums and it can be a challenge to make sense of it all. But there are 3-4 things that comes back around like clockwork. So if anything, please focus your energy on solving those as a starting point
- Retribution Aura does not feel and is not in fact an AURA. An aura should have a positive effect on everyone and not just the paladin. The DF effect is better than the previous one but FAILS at the critical task of being an aura.
- Replace SoV with Divine Protection/Give us a % damage reduction defensive. It hinders our presence in high content difficulty. AND OFF THE GCD
- Divine Steed is not liked by the community, either go full Diablo 3 crusader style with it or give us options to use something else. AND OFF THE GCD
- You need to answer the following question internally WITHOUT naming spells or abilities available to Prot and Holy: Why should a group/raid bring a Ret paladin?
Often times over the years, when I read changes from dev notes about this spec, I would get this weird feeling that the justifications for the changes are written by someone who plays against Ret in PVP.
It may sounds specific but I just can’t understand the inertia of Ret unless I look at them strictly from a PVP perspective. Everything start to make more sense when I look at it this way but then Blizz started to balance PVP independently from PVE so I’m lost as to what’s the hold up now.
If you agree with my sentiment, just bump this thread up.
Keep it at the top, keep it alive and relevant until we get some answers and explanations.
Thank you!
Also, you can submit direct feedback through in game support option in the menu.
If you can spare a minute, please submit your thoughts respectfully on this tool as well.
There is a 500 characters limit so you can’t write a book but voice your concern clearly.
I personally used it to say that WoW had made a turn to more dynamic gameplay over the years and that the last 3 classes added (Evoker included) were a testament to this ideology. I encouraged them to embrace this idea for all their classes, especially Ret who desperately need it.
And I shared my disbelief at the change made and philosophy behind the Dev note we got on LAotL.