Retiring <AutoPurge>

I hope auction house add ons are next on the chopping block.


Its an addon to automate being a jerk. Pure and simple. Because being a jerk in this game is just TOO HARD for some people, so they wrote an add-on to simplify it and make it automatic.


im sorry you feel this way.

there is nothing ā€œevilā€ about the addon. it is used to assist group leaders in making groups

i never heard of this addon until right now.

but im glad itā€™s gone.

hopefully not

huge W for blizzard.


I do not understand the hate. Itā€™s basically an ignore list with extra functions.

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Nah. The second you threw that part in about automatically kicking people from certain servers, you lost any claim about ā€œgroup leaders making groups.ā€

Itā€™s literally called ā€œAutoPurge,ā€ we know what itā€™s about. Damage control isnā€™t working for you right now.

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Unfortunately the crowd that claims elitest or jerks is usually more toxic than the community they hate.

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Is this basically an add on that I would use if I was going to form a group and listed it? And it would allow me to make my own blacklist? My own completely private blacklist. Or did it also communicate with every other user of the add on and create a global blacklist? If it is the latter thatā€™s kind of scummy.

users would create personal blacklists that could be shared between Friends and guilds

I guess Iā€™m just not seeing how someone joining a group, and then getting kicked out of the blue with no reasoning given is somehow better than that person not being accepted into that group in the first place.

Jerks are going to be jerks regardless. The removal of the addon isnā€™t going to change their minds.

For me; Iā€™d rather you didnā€™t invite me to a party, than have you tell me at the door that Iā€™m not welcome.


Can someone explain to me like Iā€™m 5 what this actually did? Like in plain terms? Iā€™m confused about the love/hate on both sides.

So you made an addon that will autokick people from Ragnaros?

Looks like an addon to build a public blacklist to control who is in your groups. It kicks and vote kick people based on the blacklist.

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From my understanding, you could basically create a list of people you didnā€™t want to group with in the addon. Specific players, guilds, or even players from entire servers.

Then, if you created a group in game, the addon would automatically decline anyone applying to the group who was on that list.

And, you could share your list with others who were using the addon.

Ahhh, ok. I gotcha. Sounds like a stupid addon then. I mean I think if someone is on your ignore list you wonā€™t be grouping with them anyway so that should be good enough. I donā€™t get the Brazil hate honestly. Iā€™ve played with really good and bad players from that realm, the language thing is really the main issue if itā€™s high end content. But otherwise I have nothing against it.

Never heard of it until now lol. Why was an addon like this needed? Crz perhaps? I am and always felt crz was the worst thing they ever did to this game. Until item level scaling that is.

Majority of players: 1

Elitist jerks: 0


I can see how people are misunderstanding this, and I can see also the desire for outrage over anything that hints of gatekeeping.

But this was done anyway. And when it wasnā€™t done then people were just abused once inside the raid or group and ultimately kicked? How is that good? This was just a tool for tuning group selection. Maybe not the BEST tool, but still just a tool. You werenā€™t forced to take other peopleā€™s blacklists, and you werenā€™t obligated to share yours.

EDIT: A tool that could set parameters automatically screen applicants would be super useful. Because itā€™s forming a group for a purpose and random isnā€™t the best way. For instance, in Remix it was very common for people to form groups expressly to carry. If you had a high item level, you were not getting in. Also, players would list groups just asking for someone to help carry. Iā€™m not saying that is LIKELY to happen in retail, but it could. And a better tool to screen applicants would just help lessen the burden on the organizer. Face it, people do not read and or abide by the description or requirements the organizer puts in the group description. Make it automated.

Interesting how creating player preferred safe spaces is toxic when you donā€™t like it.

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Way it goes sadly

just release WA strings, thats how i keep the undesirable realms out