Retiring <AutoPurge>

After 10 years, Our addon AutoPurge has been delisted from curse.

We had a great ride, for those unaware, AutoPurge was able to tie into various popular addons such as DBM, Recount, and other addons to allow players to create their own blacklist based on Guild, Server or name

This addon allowed us to keep our groups focused on its goal instead of tying up players time sorting through their personal blacklists

Over the years blizzard has tried to break our addon by disabling certain API functions to automatically take control of group votes and kicks. We got around this by working with other addon creators to give us the ability to force lead control.

AutoPurge was always willing to take the heat and beatings from blizzards API team to keep the other addons out of the fire.

As of today, Curse has delisted our addon and the addon creators we worked with in the previous years are able to keep creating fantastic user QOL without having to hold notoriety that was caused with AutoPurge.

Thank you to the community and other addon developers for the fun ride.

Some fun stats.

671k players removed from LFR, RDF and raid groups
11 attempts by blizzard to break functionality
100+ threads from blacklisted realm players calling for our shutdown
4 forum bans
1 in game ban.

Thanks guys! we will be back one day! Blizzard is unable to API block us but without our primary platform we can only hope for word of mouth now to send our addon across Azeroth

The addon will retire from curse due to blizzards recommendation but you can still find us on other sites


Oh no!

Good riddance.


Sounds deserved, good job Blizzard!!!


Great news, thanks for sharing.


Blizzard should’ve banned you for even making such a toxic addon.


The addons primary purpose was to allow players to create their own blacklist based on Guild, Server or name. What players decided to blacklist was on them


A least in content that matters we can still.

Corrected your post.


I’ve never known about this mod, but it sounds pretty despicable, and I would prefer that such a thing not exist.


If I had known this addon existed, I still would had never used it. Good riddance.


Agreed! And when recruiting through the group finder AutoPurge was able to hide requests to join from blacklists created by the group leader

Sounds like something that shouldn’t have existed in the first place… glad to see blizzard had the good sense to kill a bad idea for once.



People who would use an addon like this (and don’t get me started here) are just going to manually kick for the same reasons now.

I fail to see what breaking the addon is going to accomplish.

Is it fair? OF COURSE NOT!
Will this stop the behavior? Same answer.


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You’re having a blast editing your OP.

The only word of mouth is that of ridicule.

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Word order matters.

Thank you for your interaction!

Yeah, if my group needs a fill(not often) we look at realm.

Only one of us speaks Spanish so those realms are usually a no go just to prevent miscommunication.

I mean, I’m not monolingual but even on the EU reams Swedish is unnecessary lol!

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And thank you for contributing towards the classless demise of the community! /s

Word order is fine.

No, no it really wasn’t. I have no idea what you were trying to say.