Retiring <AutoPurge>


Racists are lazy and prefer to simply pretend the groups of people they don’t like don’t exist at all rather than interact with them.


I mean…. If someone doesn’t want you in their group, they don’t want you in their group

Don’t know what racism has to do with this

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A lot of the blacklists were ‘nobody from Brazil’.


Well, there is a large number of bad players on SA servers, really has nothing to do with race, I also don’t really care to play with people from tich (they are mostly pvp players) and a few other na servers, nothing to do with them being latino or Brazilian, just some servers seems to attract bad players.

Also, some people would rather not play with people who they cannot communicate with

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Nice a win from blizzard. Those are rare now days.


There are a lot of bad players on literally every server. The fact that you SPECIFICALLY single out the south american ones indicates that you are, in fact, prejudiced against them but are just really bad at recognizing such.


Auto kicked the players from jaja servers.

Going by those statistics, and the API functions they say they had to work around, it sounds like it’d make everyone running the addon automatically vote to kick someone if they were on any of their lists, which I feel like is probably crossing a line somewhere.

They’re one in the same as those they complain about. Thankfully, both sides of the fence are vastly inferior in scope and scale to the normal WoW player.

I mean, I also don’t play with people from many na servers

Which you conveniently left out of your quote

This feature did work for awhile, but it would require a tie in with popular addons, DBM and Recount usually worked best as they were willing to provide a pseudo backdoor to other addon creators.

Unfortunately blizzard broke this functionality late BFA.

Lets keep race out of this fellas. Has nothing to do with any specific region or language spoken.

We provided the tools, the users inputted what they liked.

On another note, we have recently acquired hosting with another addon provider!!

First time I’m hearing of this add-on and I use about 70 add-ons. So it was basically like NoobBlocker was back in Legion before blizz destroyed that too?

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I see this as an absolute win.

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Bumping so that others can feel the same joy I felt when hearing this news.

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Ignoring individuals is fine. No one is arguing against that.
Locking out groups of people based on a random criteria of prejudice is not.

Additionally, people who use such tactics are just shooting themselves in the foot, since the most toxic players who suffer due to the realm blocking just migrate to the US realms.

Stormrage is already a stealth BR realm on the Alliance side, and they’ll just move again if it ever gets “cancelled”.

I do and I’m BR myself. There are a lot of jerks here.
Even so, to lockout an entire realm due to the behavior of a fraction of it is no good.

Just ignore the bad individuals. It should be enough.
They are many, but they are definitely not the majority.

You’re implying people can’t type in English based on realm alone.
I’m fairly certain that I can correctly use the vernacular (and much more eloquently) than the vast majority of native speakers.

Pro-tip: We’ve been playing this game long before Latin/BR realms were even a thing.

My OG realm was Shadowmoon.

Could this be a reason why in some groups i never got to vote on a kick?

Sounds likely. I’ve never encountered this addon myself, but it sounds incredibly sketchy.

I don’t get why people are blaming an addon and it’s creator for “creating a toxic environment”, the environment exists, regardless of what addons people are using. The addon only allows people to organize it.

I never used the addon myself but if it truly was only ever used to ignore people someone doesn’t want to play with I don’t see how this is any worse than Blizzards own ignore feature. Only more organized /w more options.

Anyone calling that toxic must be more on the supply side of toxicy than not honestly.

The post was reported many times and blizzard has restored it.

it really is a shame that the people calling a group organizer is “toxic” while mass reporting the thread because they can only imagine it would be use in a racist intent.

While the organizer was used among guilds to blacklist potential bad actors and to alleviate language barrier issues.