Retiring <AutoPurge>

Never used your specific addon but sorry to hear that. Use my own filters for pugs and know what a good tool they are for having a good gaming experience.

how u decide who get sblacklisted? sounds lie something that could be abusde. could people appeal about being blacklisted? sometimes ppl hav ebad nights and lash out, that doesnt mean they should be pu ton some shady list that automatically kicks them from groups. thats a little extreem, are epople these days completely incablabe of forgivesness?

Is English your first language? Genuinely curious.

I’m saying in content that matters, group finder, we can still exclude based on server.

Messaging your previous group leader is a good start.

It is up to the player not the group to improve!

Yes, English is my first language.

That sentence makes sense, thank you. The other was out of order. Trust me on this – just trying to help. :slight_smile:

Imagine being the kind of person who blacklists an entire server


What our amazing users decided to blacklist was up to them!

AutoPurge left the option to create extensive and helpful lists

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Certain servers have reputations. Mostly the Latin American servers and Brazilian servers.

Part of it stems from language barriers, in my case it stems from some self admittance that they act stupid or pretend they don’t understand English gaming terms on purpose.

I will give foljs a chance in dungeon /raid finder content, but the instant they act stereotypical… Especially if it’s holding us back.

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Pressing (X) to doubt super hard right now. Anybody who would use an addon like this to block an entire server, or even guild, is likely not an ‘amazing’ person.


why do these posts read like some super passive aggressive spite posts?


Because that is exactly what’s happening here.


Talking about forum bans too as if that’s supposed to help their case :rofl:


Unfortunately blizzard doesn’t monitor forum reports closely. So AutoPurge was usually the victim of witch-hunting and mass reporting

Oh no!


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well curse finally did something right for once. I think we all know why this addon was really being used.


I have to admit I once did kind of wonder if there was a way to permanently block Azralon (sorry my Brazilian friends), after I had several groups in quick succession in very early MoP Remix which all had Azralon players behaving like complete and utter jerks or insane people in them, for absolutely no gain. Doing some crazed stuff I’d never even considered or seen before (it was quite an education in how bad you can intentionally mess up a levelling dungeon!).

But even after that I didn’t actually go looking for a mod to do that, that’d be grim, and soon after that, like a day or two later, whilst I still got Azralon players, none of them seemed to be complete lunatics anymore. I guess the lunatics had all levelled past or got mad and quit Remix or something.

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We do! It was to allow group leaders a less stressful way of creating groups to enjoy content in World of Wacraft!

uh huh.


Just because someone is going to be a jerk anyways, doesn’t mean it is a good idea to make it EASIER for them to be a jerk. Force them to put in the effort.


Nope. Your routine here isn’t fooling anybody. It was an addon that enabled and encouraged people to participate in meme-fueled exclusionary practices and harmful stereotypes.

This part alone is more than enough to convince me that the addon had malicious intent. Imagine trying so hard to prevent people from a particular server from getting put into a random group. For goodness’ sake, this addon sounds downright evil.