Retcon Calia, reverse Lightforged nonsense

It doesn’t conflict with the lore. She was not resurrected by the Lich King or a servant of the void like the current forsaken.

She was resurrected by Anduin, Alonsus and a Naaru using the power of the Light.

Thus, she is a different form of Undead. She’s not being held together by a dark curse.


I don’t think she will take over leadership of the Forsaken from Sylvanas. More likely the undead allied race will be lightforged undead on the Alliance. [Edit: Or those forsaken that don’t agree with Sylanas’s “vision”. ] Which means Horde will get an Alliance parent race allied race (What’s left? worgen?) … this is getting confusing lol I miss unique races.


Do you believe there are 12+ million people playing WoW currently?


Alright, I’m not getting into an arguement with you. Making an absurd claim that people don’t quit over lore isn’t a reasonable stance, but you want to die on that hill. So have fun in your little box.


but there was development, it’s why Sylvanas killed her and other forsaken. because the forsaken (citizens of lordaeron raises into undeath) realized Calia was the heir to their kingdom.

edit: they probably thought she was gone (beyond being reanimated and probably dead), much like her brother and father


Sure my dude.

You can believe that people will certainly get so angry over the story-telling that they’ll quit.

Are you all knowing and all powerful? Can you look into people’s minds and feelings and know if they are going to unsubscribe or not? I don’t think so, that’s their choice. Like I said, I have several friends who said they will quit permanently and that’s their choice. Whether or not you want to believe it doesn’t really matter, what matters is the truth. Not what you keep saying over and over " But we all know for a fact that no one is gonna’ quit over their Banshee being replaced". I know i’m done with this thread for now but I hope that shows some light on what you are incorrectly thinking and that everyone has a choice. Some will keep playing and some will quit and some will be happy with unsubscribing. Have a nice day! :slight_smile:


What are the sub numbers today compared to then?

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I’ll support Calia Menethil as my new Queen only if she does the following:

1.Adopts the title of the Bright lady
2.Purposefully exposes her midriff for no good reason for 5 to 10 years
3. Doesn’t try to immediately recruit us into the Alliance
4.Has an overweight, out of shape male human paladin boyfriend who goes out of his way to compliment and praise you so much that it’s excessive, cringey, uncomfortable and really creepy.Also instead of a snazzy trench coat he’ll wear a judgment set two sizes too small for him. Just because. We’ll call him champion of the bargain bin discount queen.
5. Doesn’t try to immediately recruit us into the Alliance

Those are my terms blizzard, take it or leave it!


Yeah, that one book is fanfiction tier. (reasoning: rookie writing mistakes like sacrificing the integrity and personality of other characters/factions to make certain characters/factions look good) The only thing I’ll cede is that it’s canon, none of it is quality though.


Ehh, not everyone. :slight_smile:

Are we gonna’ do the meme where we say that the game is dying because of the one thing you don’t like about the game personally?

I mean I do it for the state of PvP all the time lol

Have you seen her chest?

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No. We aren’t.

But according to you, people don’t quit for anything. No one quits for the story. No one quits for the gameplay. And everyone comes back.

So I was just curious if you think anyone has quit WoW…ever.


She puts the mountains of Ironforge to shame.


blizzard endorsed it, so yes it’s cannon and yes that means it does effect the story in game.

this happened over a year ago, why is it NOW people have an issue with it?


You’re a master at extrapolating statements and the most hilarious non-sequitur conclusions from them, Akston.

This is genuine rank 1 forum pvp.

Because usually they have the sense to write out Me’dan-tier things. Now that there’s a model, I’m worried about someone’s brain over there.