Retail players trying to ruin classic now

No, it’s not. You actually think the resist can be gathered by individuals over guilds? You are sorely mistaken. If you honestly think that fire resist can be obtained by individuals over guilds then you really need to understand what it takes to get it.

In all honesty, I don’t see this addon being in classic. It will ruin the very core of the game itself and make people the same selfish gamers we see today, it will encourage ninja looting, douche pulling and all kinds of things that I guess eventually, will make this addon go away. If you think it won’t, mark my words, it will. This is a ninja looters paradise.

They have insidious plans to ruin the game and turn it into BfA.

I pretty much agree that it’ll be bad for the game (imho) but people certainly can down raids without being in a guild. Back in Vanilla on Stormscale Alliance side there wasn’t much raiding going on. Then a hunter named Gibbus organized a bunch of people from different guilds and some solo players into a group that just wanted to raid. This ragtag non guild group went on to kill Onyxia our first night and had Rag down within two weeks. It wasn’t until BWL was released Gibbus formed Reign of Darkness (might have been Pigga the warrior, can’t remember) that we all coalesced into one guild and held on to server firsts through at least Aq40 and I think Naxx lol. Now I don’t think this addon is going to recreate that awesome experience, but it has happened, at least on Stormscale :smiley:

edit* I forgot to mention, Gibbus organized this whole thing without the use of an addon simply by talking to people in city chat, local chat and whispers.

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Or this. The coin of stupidity always has at least two sides to it.

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XRBGs were a huge boon to me and are what led me to the love of BGs. I completely get the no LFR/LFD thing and agree with the sentiment 100%. However, BGs are a slightly different beast given that they involve situations such as faction imbalance or low participation on a server rather than using social means of finding a dungeon or raid group. In my experience, XRBGs or even just battlegroups, made BGs more accessible. If you do them enough you’ll start recognizing people and building those fun rivalries even with a larger player pool. If you’re looking for intense intra-server rivalries, organizing WPVP battles goes a long way.

EDIT: As someone who’s dabbled a little bit in Retail I’ll admit there are aspects of it that I wouldn’t mind seeing in Classic. The new animations add something extra that I can’t quite put words to. The new banking system and outfit management tool adds a lot as well. Having spent years’ more time in Vanilla than Retail, adding tools like that wouldn’t really impact the overall experience and could actually enhance it for some folks.

One thing I would dearly love to see added is turning XP off. I enjoy the challenge of getting the best twink gear I can with XP constraints, but if I could shut off XP gain I’d spend bucketloads of time playing to get the BiS stuff. Also, as an RPer I would appreciate not having to worry about XP from an errant mob pushing me over the edge when participating in WPVP.

Adding quest markers, LFR/LFD, flying, and major SNAFUs like that are a hard pass though.

Lot of over reacting happening over this addon, perhaps people don’t understand how it works.

It doesn’t teleport you to the dungeon, you still have to travel and do the dungeon together.

What’s the issue?

+1 to this player having a brain


I don’t think all of the people who are obsessed with retail are the ones making all those threads…a lot of it is just for the sake of conversation because people are bored waiting for launch. Not sure what you’re trying to get at here.

Why are you blaming ALL retail players for the actions of a few who may not even be CURRENT players? LFG has been around for several expansions and many proponents may be a crazy third category of people called “former players”.

Or should I apply your own logic back on you and assume that you are a private server elitist tool simply because of your post and thus imply wrongly that anyone who played on a private server is an elitist tool?

if you take away the lfg addon you will have to take away all other addons, no exceptions.

if you guys want to cry to be elitist and hardcore, go all the way.

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thats a lie. devs are okay with keeping certian addons and removing addons that automate gameplay.

In my case on Blackrock I was one of the first PUG raid leaders, by the time Wrath came around, I was leading upto ten raids a week. The sheer volume of ninja raids and ninja looters joining my raids to try wipe us were overwhelming. Yes, they’d join my raids in order to try disband it so they could then form their own. Ninja looting was a reality on vanilla and it will be on classic. Once a few realize what they can do, and get away with it, they’ll ruin the experience for everyone. LFG serves to enable this kind of thing, and ninja looters certainly do run in packs. If you innocently think it won’t happen, then you are very ignorant of what an anonymous player will do to gain an edge over others. -To the point that players will run ninja raids in order to get loot and then join more progressed guilds and progression guilds ninja looting for their members.

This was most common during Wrath in Naxx. The result? The current loot system AND ilevel requirements, which was then a different issue but it all happened in the one place because of massive population on servers and tons of new players. I don’t need to remind many how utterly game-breaking this kind of behavior is for those who are victims of it.

Suffice to say, Blizzard stands to lose thousands of players because of it, and I honestly think that fact will prevent such mods from being used. In the end, it will sort itself out, but the damage will have already been done.

Ninja looting was rampant in classic.

LFG did not cause that problem.

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You contradict yourself.

How? Ninja looting was alawys an issue.

The biggest thing with LFG was it allowed you do more dungeons per hour than you normally would be able to.

More dungeons, more chances to encounter ninja looters.

Classic will weed out the people who can’t social or try to find groups for dungeons and raids the REAL way, not with some stupid LFR or LFG add on. Honestly, I really think that is what started to kill socialism in retail WoW today. Only vanilla players will know how it was back then and will be done today in classic wow. Retail players do not know how it was to go to thottbot for quest help.

My favorite thing in the whole world right now is watching people who started playing WoW in 2007 and beyond telling actual launch veterans what the Classic experience should be like because they read the patch timeline of Vanilla and think they know what things were like.


In Vanilla? LOL surely you can’t be serious. I think you should make such comments when you know vanilla, not before.

Specifically people that say “XRBGs were in Vanilla so it’s #nochanges” or something along those lines.

This statement does not even try to prove that XRBGs are a bad thing for the game, and if anything is an attempt to derail the topic because they don’t have any evidence that it worked when it was implemented or not. THEN some people say “Well I don’t wanna wait in queue for an hour” – However XRBGs did little to help with queue times for everyone across the board.

So for all of you coming in here to tell me (a player who started in beta vanilla and played all the way to WOTLK before I began playing only here and there) That XRBGs are “fine” but you aren’t using any evidence they helped or that they were a good thing for community, which is the PRIMARY quality that vanilla/classic has over it’s retail counter-part. These people should think twice before you just post ridiculous things. We have already covered those topics multiple times in this thread it’s XRBGs 0 vs Server Specific 10.

Yet people seem to forget that Call to Arms was an addon in vanilla did that did almost exactly what the LFG addon is doing… It was perfectly acceptable back then…

Except xrealm bgs were in 1.12 you goober