people defending the LFG addon, i see a thread of some guy who wants classes tuned lol. what the heck is up with these people. just stay in retail if you dont like the way classic is…
This and defending XRBGs is lame
The forum spam is worse than the addon.
We have a couple threads on this. No need for more.
Excuse me, i would like an lfr system in classic. Y to the E to the E to the T.
Getting cultish in here. /shudder
I’m all for changes. #change everything. I also want pet battles, different difficulties, titan forging or whatever its called and for first aid to be under tailoring (which all jokes aside is a pretty stupid thing to have done)
Can we change the name. Instead of Classic and we call it something cool like Battle for Azeroth.
That was in vanilla…
That’s not a valid argument and this is not the right thread.
I mean… so you don’t want the same
experience as vanilla?
Im confused.
Xrbgs were created later into vanilla and only were around for 1/3 of the life of vanilla
You don’t have to agree with them or read their threads. If anything, you’re just giving them even more attention with your thread.
This addon scans the chat looking for key phrases such as “LFM” “LF3M” as well as dungeon names and common abbreviations such as DM and VC for The Deadmines.
If you type “L F 3 M for DM” how ever the addon will not pick up that you are advertising for a group.
If you type “LF3M for deadmine” your advertisement will get picked up by the addon but because deadmine is not on the current list of phrases your ad will be picked up but will not be placed in “The Deadmines” category instead it will end up in the “custom” category still making the addon less effective.
There is a bit of code that I found that I thought was a bit funny but will also insure that your group is not listed in the addon. If you type “LF3M Deadmines #noclassiclfg” your ad will also not show up in the addon.
I expect that the dev of the addon will make changes to the list of key phrases the addon is looking for. But at least doing these things currently works and people will have to keep updating the addon as gamers adjust to hide their groups from the addon.
What I (and everyone else) really want is this: my own version of WoW, customized to what I like.
That sums up 90% of the threads in GD, and a bunch of threads in Classic GD. Everyone wants (or requests, or demands, or says “we the players want”) their own customized version of the game.
For $15/month.
Its like people going to a vegan restaurant and whinging because they don’t serve burgers.
How is “it was literally in vanilla” not a valid argument lol
Classic is based on 1.12. Literally the last few months of vanilla. What exactly is your point?
Why do you assume all of the people who have different opinions than you are from retail?
Actually we need as many as we can get.