Retail players trying to ruin classic now

It doesn’t matter, Blizzard did not choose the 1.12 because of BGs, if anything they did not even have PvP figured out until very recently (a month or so ago) when they decided that the honor system would likely be dropped in phase 2.

If you weren’t there in Vanilla, you did not see what happened to the game and how very little benefits this actually provided for people to get into BGs. So stay off the subject so this older people can chat. Thanks

Hey friend. I also played in beta and continued to play until recently. Xbgs are good. They were in 1.12. be gone.


I was there. I made a thread earlier today about back when people first hit 60 on the server. Also I just remembered the name of the first 60 on Warsong. Avatar!

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You must be new. People have been posting about their pet changes for years.

Maybe you are the retailing tourist jumping on the Classic bandwagon.


Well, you’re wrong then… just because you may have been there doesn’t mean XRBGs helped. Sorry

But remember I’m me and you’re you. I am better than you so my opinion is worth more.

Right, but you have used no proof to show that you’re opinion is better.

As stated previously the XRBG system did NOT improve queue times across the board for everyone and it was specific to certain servers that actually drew the benefits. That is FACT.

The only other thing it did was make honor grinds faster in BGs and encourage people to stand around by battle masters. FACT.

What you got now man? Nothing… you just say “I liked it it was fun”

Blizzard: Hi there Holyrunt! How would you like to use your subscription? Wow Retail? Wow Classic?
Holyrunt: I want to use my sub to go onto the classic forums and post HUNDREDS of replies on the forums that state that specific addons were used in vanilla
Blizzard: ummm…ok

Literally ALL you have done today.


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I mean the only other use for her sub would be to play retail so

Proof? Because a month or two into p2 once a bunch of people go back to retail you’ll be crying about hour long waits

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Nah, go find your own proof kiddo. I ain’t got time to help you out when you came at me just blankly stating “it was better”. Maybe if you had actually brought up a legit argument but you have not, so you’re a waste of my time.

People shouldn’t worry about queue times if they are out killing people at random in the world and having massive pvp battles like the game was intended to be originally.

Figure it out or don’t – not my problem.

I accept your surrender

Put up a valid argument, you already lost lil boy

frankly, its an indicator of what a sad state retail is in.

What is your point? You never played the game then.

It reduces wait times for most servers


Classic isn’t out yet…
Other than leveling my zandalarian troll for armor i have no other desire to play retail atm.

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I was referring to LFG when it was introduced to wrath (aka teleportation). Not vanilla nor the addon.

Which is why ninja looting went “up”

BFA is a system, Festukarg. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? LFR raiders, transmog junkies, pet and mount collectors. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready for Classic. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on welfare epics, that they will fight to protect it.


Somebody thinks XRBGs don’t belong in Classic because they were added at the end, but we’re literally getting everything in its final 1.12 state in the game, in which everything was effectively nerfed.

And this means I must never have played vanilla, for pointing out that XRBGs are every bit as on the table as the threat changes, class reviews, debuff slot increases, itemization changes, final AV version etc?

Okay buddy.