Title. Retail Players and their thoughts on Classic. Largest takeaways I noticed:
They won’t play without LFD, this was repeatedly said
“Been there done that”, this was probably the 2nd most stated. Fair enough
A lot of them don’t even consider playing Classic because “It’s in the game still” (I find that one silly, personally)
Still see a decent number of them saying they’d check it out or do it during off-time of raiding in Retail, but I’m personally a bit surprised how few said they care at all, although I guess I rarely think about Retail
It’s a demographic of potential consumers with a different perspective on a product we play. I find it interesting, guess it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.
I was super excited to play classic in the beginning, but I always lost interest in vanilla before AQ. Bwl is super boring. TBC was GREAT and is in my opinion the best expansion, but Blizzard decided bots = easy money, so lost interest. Wotlk will just be an easier version of tbc with MUCH bigger problems than tbc has right now. I’ve actually lost so much interest that I’m playing shadowlands again and enjoying it.
Sad what they’ve done to such a masterpiece. GDKP’s, bots and boosting are the new tbc experience.
It is silly, alot of stuff is no longer in the game. Old zones (we should have Zidormi in each one to revert it back to pre-cata) and old dungeons like Scholomance, UBRS, etc reworked (should have Zidormi in each one to revert it back to pre-rework).
Here my question…I don’t understand why they can’t just turn back on the original version of the game??.without messing with it? Are the original codes gone ? Or is the original coding to old and won’t work…because there just trying to reinvent the wheel but with less bells and whistles…
Go into game, ask randomly in any group, guild chat, trade chat, etc. if people want RDF or not. I see very few people advocating for the removal of RDF.
Well, doing other content while you wait for queue doesn’t count because you’re just assumed to be sitting in a town waiting on the queue.
Remember that clicking 1 button to start the queue is a lot lazier than clicking one button to point your mount in direction and then hitting one key to make it auto fly in that direction.