Is this the Classic Expac you’ve been waiting for?
Did Classic already blow it’s chance with you?
Did you hear about the massive inflation/GDKP/bot issues and change your mind?
Or do you not even think about Classic at all.
I’m curious, what the OTHER SIDE thinks
I’m excited and will play through it again with some friends.
I could not care less about it
only classic i care about is mop and maybe cata
will play wotlk if it comes with a max level boost. cba levelling and not being able to afford cold weather flying while trying to quest in storms peak
I’d kill for Classic MoP. Best memories I have of WoW
I couldnt careless for shadowlands, im just bored and leveling random champs right now with no intention on using them in endgame
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On one hand I love WotLK and all my friends stated they will likely play it.
On the other hand, knowing how the classic community has been, I feel like the experience is going to be ruined and feel much worse than when WotLK was initially current content.
Cool, doubt I’ll play it as I already did it however. Only incentive that would make me level a classic character or raid that era again, would be if I could transfer it to my ‘real’ account on Retail. Having something held hostage in a time-period, simply for an arbitrary or greed related reason isn’t something I’ll support.
Additionally, I do feel like the minute they announce or even broach the topic of Classic Cata, and I know they will from a corporate greed stand-point; that is the point that any remaining excuses on not adding a Caverns of Time Portal in Retail to the Classic Game dies.
Something they should of been working on for a while.
Very, very sick of retail having no content while they do these Classic Servers. Feels to me like Retail is a secondary in priority to them now and I won’t tolerate that. I’ll sooner quit and go to a competitor.
I’m excited for others who are excited for it, if that makes sense? I’ve been there and done it, there’s no way I’m going to recapture what I had back then. The friends I played with at that time are long gone, some have passed. It was a great experience at the time and I’m happy for those who want to experience it again or are going to experience it for the first time.
No Dungeon Finder, no dice.
I don’t care about leveling. . .
I dont care about leveling either, Im just that bored
I already did my time in Wrath. I’m excited to see how others explore Northrend for the “first” time. 
It sure is a thing that exists.
Yeahh… I don’t think removing RDF was a good call, but the community is extremely divided on it.
All I can say is a popular PServer had no-RDF as a feature and reverted the decision later on. For good reason lol
Wotlk was not a great expansion gameplay wise. First tier was undertuned, second tier was amazeballs, third amd forth tier were ok but doing them four times a week 10/25 man norm/heroic was god awful. The dungeons were faceroll so nothing good in that regard. Waiting to see if they release cata in it’s pre nerf state before coming back. If it’s post nerf then I will give that a miss too. Gdk has no effect or boosting like in retail has no effect on me as I play with my guild and friends
I’m reluctant to put much effort in as anything I earn stays trapped in Classic. I’m happy that classic keeps more players in the game.
I admit, I will likely futz around in Wrath Classic just for the nostalgia of the era. Will I play it exclusively? No. Too much has changed with me personally and my gameplay schedule that I couldn’t justify it.
I’m still amused and annoyed for the Classic players that Blizz is essentially shuttering the BC Classic servers to roll into Wrath. Wasn’t having them separate the entire freaking point of the exercise? Can’t wait until someone starts crying for Cata Classic.
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Once Wrath comes out: the only way Retail is getting me back is Worgen Shamans.
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I have 0 interest
I’d rather spend my non-wow gaming time playing minecraft.