Retail Korrak’s is More Classic than Classic AV

Which is very surprising. With all these 5 minute Classic AVs where you rush the end boss and never get to summon Ice Daddy or anything, it really is a shame that the AV on retail is more engaging and true to the Vanilla AV many people knew and loved.

What do you all think?


They were both in Vanilla so no, neither one is more than the other.

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Maybe they both were. But Korrak’s Revenge is more fun than the trash we have right now.


Yes but the Korrak’s version was in the game for a longer period of time so technically it is a correct statement.


That wasn’t the criteria laid out in the OP.

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That happens to not be the case.

This guy is a professional disagreererr


Prove it…

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I just happen to be correct, is all.

I already did. If you want to change your premise to suit your feelings on the matter, feel free.

Korrak version is an amalgamation of different versions of AV from Vanilla, with changes from TBC and beyond.

It was never in the game.


And yet it’s much better than the Classic version we have now. It’s also closer to the version of AV that was in vanilla for the majority of the game before 1.12 AV.

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It’s not even close to the original AV. You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, have you even played Korrak’s Revenge?

I take it you never played Vanilla and are doing your best to support your straw man argument? Yes I have played Korrak’s…hence the entire post comparing the 3 versions, all of which I have played. Have you played all 3? OV vanilla, Korrak’s, and Classic AV?

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I ranked to 10 twice in Vanilla, once in 1.8 AV and once in 1.12 AV. I’ve never played the original AV but I have researched it thoroughly.

The Commanders in Korrak’s Revenge two shot DPS. The Commanders in 1.5 AV hit for about 300. The Warmasters/Marshals in Korrak’s Revenge are linked and have their TBC stacking buff.

Korrak was in the Field of Strife in original AV, he’s at Snowfall in Korrak’s Revenge. There’s so many more differences, like the mines and quests.

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Listen I have been leveling alot of alts in Revenge and it’s nothing but a Zerg, there is minimal PvP, it’s not engaging at all and it’s very boring,no one is summoning anyone, it’s a race plain and simple…the painful part is doing it as Ally, like how they lose every game is beyond me.

The AP is right tho, the NPCs in Revenge (or I guess sorta original AV) will one shot you.

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Oh, there’s no doubt that there are differences, we are in agreement on that.

My statement is that Korrak’s is closer in feel and experience to the original AV (the one you didn’t play but have heavily researched) than this 1.12 current version where shorter “rush the boss” games are the norm.

This makes Korrak’s more immersive and true to original AV in my humble opinion.

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then go play retail bye.

I have had about 25% of the games summon Ice Daddy and/or last longer than 30 minutes. I too have taken advantage of the leveling aspect of it and seen quite a few games.

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And that’s cool, I have yet to see him!!! In my experience it’s just been a zerg everytime!!! Maybe I’ll see him one day.