Absolutely this is a major +1 with FF14 compared to WoW’s horrible moderation.
Square actually pays a team to look at reports to see if it as a valid report and not a mass report. Then you get pulled aside and put in gaol (jail) in game as a mod tells you what happened.
On WoW you can get mass reported and the robot being used as a mod will just slap you with a silence or a suspension without questioning. And if you try making a ticket to ask how the heck you got banned and why, they dont answer you for days, then give you a copy paste response telling you to kick sand as you try your hardest to get an actual person to see your ticket.
Also people meme on “LOL CRYSTAL DATA CENTER PLAYERS ARE TRASH” but people are so dense to realize that they’re the toxic ones lol. Crystal is much more laid back than the more trihardy servers like Gilgamesh. People should try it out as my lil bro who does ff14 raiding finds the Crystal Datacenter to be much more lively and less toxic than his home server of Gilgamesh.
Just avoid Balmung/Mateus due to overcrowding and these two servers having a high population of the terminally-online weirdos who cause drama 24/7 and only sole personality being FF14.
Actually, Retail is more sociable - more evidence of this is RP servers are more active in retail whereas they are not in classic. RP itself is more active in retail, walk-up RP is non-existent in Classic. People chat more on my home server than they do in classic, especially since the removal of allowing people to chat in LFG in Classic whereas you can freely chat in it in retail as a worldwide chat that IS moderated and doesn’t have a ‘random’ that can lock, kick, everyone from the channel.
I, unsurprisingly, have not ‘repeatedly’ played with people I grouped with in Classic. So again - that’s just not the case in Classic either.
Not from what I’ve seen, either.
Grob was the server that had to get a SENATOR involved because of the racist guilds running around in white hoods and making Very awful RP so try again.
Walk up RP didn’t exist on Grobb since day 1 due to the nature of it being RP-PVP (why make RP public and get griefed by non rpers?) and that almost everybody uses Discord to organize. And LFG being moderated is a joke as LFG is a mess still. It’s not as bad as in Classic and TBC where it was BOOST BOOST BOOST LF BOOST, SELLING BOOSTS!!
/World was never a channel in Vanilla, so it makes sense it didnt exist in Classic and had to be a community made channel. Which got locked 90% of the time.
Nobody on our server asked for Horrigan and the Enclave. Neither did retail servers who had to unfortunately deal with Horrigan’s racism and his garbage guild who spewed slurs and were openly racist under the guise of ‘roleplay’ before Classic’s launch. There was so many PSAs and warnings from older players to avoid the hell out of Horrigan even before Grobb’s launch once they made a post about rolling on our server.
All of us on Grobb were glad a senator saw it and lit a fire on Blizz’s butt on their horrible moderation as they pretty much nuked Horrigan off the face of the map. gg
It did on Bloodsail and a couple others, but it’s gone. Further, your talk about it ‘why do it if you’re gonna get griefed by non-rpers lel’ proves the point that OOCers, IE non-Rpers ruin RP related servers but again, walk-up RP exists in retail.
Which, is why people used LFG.
Yet again, Classic has more of an issue with basically ALL the related issues from that guild and others that push their ‘views’ freely.
What is the issue understanding this? Guilds will be less harsh and understanding if you say what your situation is. Most likely they’ll even explain things before fights. Pugs expect you to know everything.
Bloodsail still exists. If you logged on to the Classic client you can see that. Only RP server that got culled sadly was Deviate Delight which was also RP-PVP.
That is due to 0 moderation which is why the senator got rightfully pissed. People would report those clowns 24/7 as they would freely call ppl the R word and N word with a hard R in general chat but only get a worthless ‘thank you for the report!! uwu’ message and 0 action. He only got perma’d until someone with power who can mess blizzard up HARD financially and get them in trouble with the feds made the general public aware.
They way you judge Grobb due to that 1 toxic guild out of hundreds of normal guilds is ridiculous. It’s as if I based my opinion on Moonguard being a ERP only server because of the Goldshire inn being filled with degenerates who put sexually explicit details, kink list or links to kink sites in their Total Roleplay 3 profiles. This is very much against the TOS and I report these a lot. But like all other reports, it gets thrown into the bin/ignored as lmao no moderators.
This is how it works with Retail RP servers. Classic RP servers are separate and on their own. No connections or phasing into other RP servers unless its a PVP match. Only annoying part is layers and trying to grab everybody into the right one. Grobb went from 2-3 layers in tbc which was easy to manage to 9 for Wrath.
A lot of Rpers are trying our hardest to stay on Layer 1 for RP, but you need to know someone who’s on that layer (you gotta use an add on to see what layer you’re on) to invite you into their group and phase in. It’s messy.
Talking about walkup RP, but thanks for missing entirely what I was talking about.
I find it hard to believe given Classic had Squelch in the game, and it was used against RPers talking back to non-RPers. That just means your server didn’t have enough people reporting it.
Not the only one, no, there’s a lot of toxicity there and given classic is moderated a LOT less than retail between Blizzard not wanting to spend more time on it and players not reporting stuff as much as they should is telling.
Given they’re less likely to be toxic than classic players and they generally stick to their own area which is entirely avoidable? Not really comparable, especially given you don’t have to read peoples RP profiles and can avoid that too.
You probably are not even aware Blizzard did a whole thing where they had a GM camped there banning people with such profiles and bad behavior but then they realized players were no longer reporting such things so they realized it was a lost cause because they realized players expected Blizzard to basically camp there.
If you look in the CS forums you can find examples of people with bad RP profiles getting hit, all it takes is enough reports.
That is what I thought, xrealm is messy and it took a lot away from the the game imo. They should have let people transfer x times per years with y cooldown, let dead servers stay dead, and full servers stay full.
When the toxic positivity is so strong it can even spill over into other games.
Ya’ll already destroyed FFXIV with that garbage. It sucks now. Having a complete cesspit of a community is part of what has kept WoW alive. Can we not try to screw that up?
I didn’t miss that point. Classic Rp community /= Retail RP community. Grobb (and DD rip) had no walk up RP unless it was spontaneous or someone is playing an always IC toon like Boople.
We also have the problem with the language barrier as it’s a PVP server. So unless you’re using a translator add on (RIP Hermes) , nobody on ally would understand you. All you see is orcish/common. Which is why a lot of us decided to use discord to organize events.
Bloodsail having no walk up is generally due to a big decline in player base. RPers who wanted a bigger RP circle or challenge (pvp or raiding) went to Grobbulus once they dropped server transfer restrictions for a few weeks in WOTLK Prepatch before locking them down. Doesn’t help as well that its alliance heavy so it chases off anybody who wants to play horde as they’re so so small and grouping up to level is hard.
Didn’t they do this back in legion-BFA? That’s back when they had GMs and not ‘beep boop automod’ after Bobby fired them all for a new yacht.
Been playing retail since 2020 and Classic since 2019 and I haven’t seen a GM in game once watching people or helping. Only seen them on PTR for stress tests like AQ gates opening.
I have never seen, know or heard what “squelch” is. Never saw it on Grobb. Was this a retail or Bloodsail thing?
Not really, again walk-up RP exists within same factions.
Couldn’t transfer to PvP - even Rp-PvP from start until more recently from what I recall. EU had the same problems with their related servers for classic.
Again, your entire argument was that Classic was more sociable/socialized and I disproved that with ease.
‘Automod’ or ‘squelches’ have existed since Cataclysm, just a protip. Back then it used to be suspensions and not just silences too.
Wow, a whole 2020 and 2019.
There was an incident on MG where people were throwing a bunch of stuff out about a certain player who was known for bad stuff, and a real live GM popped up in the middle of the Cathedral district to sort stuff out. That was BFA.
No, Squelches are what’s referred to as an automated silence which takes action after x amount of reports in a certain amount of time until it can get reviewed by a GM. It’s been applied to both Classic and Retail since Cataclysm.
EvenFFXIV (which I have played) has it’s toxic players. I didn’t encounter any myself, but I remember when Asmongold tried to play FFXIV. You know what the FFXIV “community” did? They engaged in stream sniping making it hard for him to turn in/complete quests.
Square took action and banned them. Annie Fuschia apparently had it happen to her as well. Why did these people stream snipe Asmongold? Because they had some misplaced belief that he’d hate the game and would bring toxicity to it. The irony is they ended up being far more toxic than he ever was. He actually drew more attention to FFXIV.
Blizzard from what AnnieFuschia and Asmongold claimed didn’t take action against stream sniping.
The best policy for dealing with toxicity on WoW? Don’t engage. Block/ignore report. I saw one individual on reddit claim that he was banned for calling someone a (jerk) though he didn’t say jerk. The reason was the person used a racial slur. The person who used the slur reported this guy. Blizzard muted him and didn’t take action against the person who made the racial slur. A person like that isn’t worth the time or effort. Typing a retort may briefly make you feel better. But chances are you will end up being the one that is punished.
If you find PUGS to be toxic? Seek out a guild and get to know the people. I would still say that there are vastly more good people than there are jerks.
Someone (a complete stranger) that had recently transferred to my server asked me last night if they could borrow 50 gold. I told them “No, but you can have 50g.” I figure the best way to combat toxicity is with kindness/generosity. If someone asks a question in chat? Don’t be a jerk about it, point them in the right direction.