Retail Community

Haha sounds like a skill issue to me OP!

I am a 282 tank.
For this expansion. I have not even played wow for many weeks now for a variety of reasons but even when I have been on briefly and see even low level mythics that I am totally overgeared for. I have no real desire to do it anymore because yes I am sick of getting a nasty group and also having been away for so long I probably have forgotten certain mechanics.

Especially with this new update that seemed to change a number of things in the interface that seems weird.

It’s not. My two worst interactions with other players in an MMO both happened in FF14.

Their community has just as much potential for a-holes as WoW’s does. They get a better reputation for some reason though. I suspect it’s because in FF14 you have a smaller share of the player base engaging in the challenging endgame content than you do in WoW, which is the environment that encourages people to behave badly.

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It’s probably projection. They want it to be that, the answer to wow, the thing that makes wow community look bad, but in the end, it may be different players, but they’re still human and can make the same errors.

My theory is most, if not all online communities function very similarly online.

The difference is the developer’s stance on maintaining civility in their game, which can and does lead to other issues (toxic casuals, “You don’t pay my sub”) - no community is perfect.

But specifically, if a player openly acts hostile towards another in FFXIV, and that player is reported, their account will be actioned.

I keep seeing this but not noticing a big difference. You can also report and ignore a player in Wow. Whether that player gets punishment or not may be different, but since the player is already blocked, does it really matter?

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Historically in WoW, one has been able to hurl insults at others with no real risk of any account action, unless something like RL threats or openly racist rants.

In FFXIV, accounts can and will get suspended for simply calling someone an idiot or kicking them from queue content without reason.

So in FFXIV, even if people think you are an idiot, they probably aren’t going to call you one in-game, and certainly aren’t going to act like some of the toxic types in WoW.


FFXIV is nothing like WoW. It’s a casual game where the story is the focal point. Every piece of content beyond that is casual, hence, the lack of sweaty players and toxicity.


You kind of skipped over what I was saying. In Wow you can report, and ignore the player if they get nasty, and move on with your merry day without any more interactions with them forever. They may or may not get consequences for that. I don’t see much of a difference at all with this aspect of the player experience compared to FF14.

Also. I think that’s quite a harsh thing. Players can get suspended for kicking from a que? What if they deserve it? Like I’ve said a few times before. FF14 must be like a whole game modeled after LFR. LFR is the bottom of the barrel raiding experience in Wow, because you have people that do not pull their weight, and don’t care about the group. The way people describe FF14’s “rules”, it seems like that person that doesn’t care to pull their own weights paradise. In fact it may be a good player getting axed because he got upset somebody just wasn’t up to par. That’s backwards if you ask me.

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Okay, hold up. I don’t care that you’re new and inexperienced. Which is fine. It’s totally okay to be new and inexperienced. However, “what’s intended” is irrelevant to what is efficient. And I would recommend no longer caring about what’s intended. The only time what’s intended should mean something is if the subject in question contains some kind of obvious exploit like the WQ bug back during BFA which was obviously not intended and the people who took advantage of it got punished. But avoiding pulling certain mobs in a dungeon? Nah fam. What’s intended there don’t matter.

Sure, this is a big part of it. Absolutely people should be nicer about it and be more kind to people who are obviously uninformed. In the same breath, perhaps looking for a guild or a community would be better suited for you so you can run with people who will be more understanding.

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so this is where we’re at huh

Ahh yes, the good old days. The days of uncensored CoD lobbies and WoW trade chat. Low gas prices as well. Good times. Better days.

The difference is the risk to a player’s account - in WoW, historically there hasn’t been any risk for being a completely toxic a-hole, while in FFXIV there is a real risk.

And some of the downsides to maintaining civility in FFXIV does lead to toxic casual behavior, like players trying to leech off others or trolling / baiting others to get a response to report.

Part of the difference though is the game is designed and developed in Japan, where the culture is different - they can be just as elitist and exclusionary, but being mean and nasty towards others in public just isn’t acceptable behavior.

Conversely, the Japanese servers can and do use random queues to complete difficult content as players are expected to and do come prepared - whereas in NA no one in their right mind would use the queue to find random players for anything remotely difficult.

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This is where I don’t see a signifigant difference to wow from the players perspective. Maybe they do have bigger consequences for that behavior, but from a players pov, if you just report and ignore in Wow, it’s virtually the same experience as FF14.

That would line up with their culture, which I think is good and bad in ways.

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Do you have another example, or is this another "this one thing happened to me and now I’m gonna generalize and villainize the whole community " sort of thing?

ff is quite cancerous when you don’t like things about game get outta here with the community is so great lol. being forced to be nice in game don’t work in discord when your playing ff and peoples true colors come out. idk why your even whining you was tank leave let them set there waiting while you don’t have to and just get another group it ain’t hard to avoid a few toxic people in this game. I FIND IT SO AMUSING WHEN PEOPLE USE ONE EXAMPLE OF WHY THE WOW COMMUNITY IS SO TRASH AND NEVER TELLING EVERYONE ON THE FORUMS HOW MANY MORE GREAT EXPERIENCES THEY HAVE THAN TOXIC ONES!


Great post! This part especially capture my feelings on the topic.

If you just queue with Normal, leveling or maybe Heroic Dungeon, it could be okay.

But if you queue for Mythic 0 or maybe LFR and above, you are expected at least to know the basics.

Private server andies acting like they own the place are probably the worst offenders in Classic. Worse are the PVP tryhards. WOTLK Arena is unplayable right now due to it being impossible to climb due to constant wintrading and really low participation. Changing the system from WOTLK’s Arena to Retail’s Arena system was a big mistake and chased off a lot of casual pvpers as why spend hours being hardstuck for pvp armor+ a mount you wont get unless you paid one of the guys at the top of the ladder for a boost? It sucks.

Hard disagree. Classic is a social MMO. Retail is not. LFR and LFD work for retail as you wanna get the dungeon/raid done now now now, and dont care about who you group with as you’ll probably never see them anymore. Classic is more server based (especially on smaller, not mega servers) where your name and guilds have a reputation and yes, you will have to talk to strangers.

There’s also the server you pick as holy crap during classic, playing on Herod vs Grobbulus was like night and day on player toxicity. 0 filters , tons of racism and slurs on Herod but on Grobb it was more laid back except for some spicy guilds on both sides. Its sadly not like this anymore in wotlk classic as all the rejects from herod (especially Ally) moved to grobb and made it their sewage pit again.

you joke but people legit mess up on simple mechanics like Thaddius’ Polarity Shift or ‘hide behind an ice block’ for Saph in naxxramas.

its 2022 and people still cannot use their eyes or turn on their monitors.
it hurts.

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Yes that must be why many people in FF video comment sections talk about quitting, or why lots of CC’s are leaving FF etc…because everyone prefers it!

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